
  • Franz Ferdinand and His wife

    Franz Ferdinand and His wife
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary amd his wife we assassinated in Sarajevo. Bosin, Herzegovina provoking World War 1
  • Germany and United Kingdom

    Germany and United Kingdom
    Germany Declares war on Russia & France. United Kingdom declared war on Germany
  • War Ended

    War Ended
    The Treaty of Versaillies ends World War 1 and rhineland was placed under allied accupation for 15 years
  • Weimar Republic

    Weimar Republic
    Nationally Assembly meets in Weimar to write a new German Constitution called Weimar Republic
  • Adof Hitler

    Adof Hitler
    Adof Hitler joins the German Worker's Party
  • Austria and Germany

    Austria and Germany
    Germany annexes Austria
  • Germany and Czechoslovika

    Germany and Czechoslovika
    Germany occupies Czechoslovika
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland Starting World War 2
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact.
  • Germany, Axis Partners

    Germany, Axis Partners
    Nazi Germany and its axis partners declare war on United States.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Adof Hitler commites suicide and his wife Eve commited suicide with him. He killed himself because the Soviet Army had reached him in berlin and was closer to being captured
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders to the western allies
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders after being in war for 6 years with Europe
  • World War 2 is over.

    World War 2 is over.
    World War 2 is over and Berlin is divided into 4 secttors: the American, British, French in the West, and the soviet in the East
  • Interzonepass.

    A 30 day valid interzonenpass is required to travel between sectors in Germany
  • Allies Approve a Constutition

    Allies Approve a Constutition
    The allies approve a constitution for western Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) and east Germany adopts a communist - prepared constitution.