
GERM THEORY, what would have happened if ...

  • Apr 25, 1400

    Bubonic plague

    Bubonic plague
    In the fourteenth century plague would not have been taken as a basis to explain the transmission of "germs" without analysis would not have been able to control
  • Apr 25, 1546


    Girolamo Fracastoro in 1546 would not have spoken of the importance of epidemic transmission of an agent, and today is being in a room with many sufferers not imply a clear risk to health
  • The microscope

    The microscope
    Zacharias Janssen in 1590. Had not invented the microscope, and today would think that the only living beings are what you can see at a glance
  • Magic medicine

    Magic medicine
    1668 The Italian physician Francesco Redi would have shown that there is no expontanea generation of worms in the exposed area, and today we continue attributing disease to magical causes
  • In the maternity ward

    In the  maternity ward
    General Hospital of Vienna in 1847 medical obstetrician Ignaz Semmelweis would have linked the deaths around childbirth caused by inefficient disinfection of the time, today you would have a much smaller world population
  • Colera

    1854 John Snow would not have located a cholera outbreak identifying the contagion was by drinking contaminated water, today the transmission of a disease is to understand the theory of miasma
  • Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur 1864 would not have spoken of fermentation and the search for disease-causing agents
  • Develop the germ theory

    Develop the germ theory
    In the second half of the nineteenth century was developed the germ theory explaining that small organisms were the cause of many diseases
  • Yumy, body secretions

    Yumy, body secretions
    The Canon of Medicine (1020), Abū Alī ibn Sīnā would not have spoken about body secretion is contaminated, and then it would be sweat today synonymous with elegance!
  • Many diseases

    Many diseases
    Today would have endless proliferation of diseases, uncontrolled and puzzling deaths, medicine would not have been able to advance science and be stagnant