Georgia History

  • Sep 22, 1539


    God: although spain didnt have much sucsess establish missisons be conert native to chathclism
  • Sep 24, 1540

    hernado de soto

    hernado de soto was an explorer from spain
    he explored what is the southeaster us and georgia
    he set out a mission for the 3 g's
    most indains treated him as a god and he killed the ones that didnt
  • Sep 22, 1568

    spanish missions

    after de soto's death in 1541, both spain and france started to explore what is now Georgia.
    spain sucessfully established missions from 1568to1684
    the missions did not last because of dieas and battles
  • colony of georgia

    the charter of 1732 states the purpose of the colony was for three reasons. charity,economy, defense.
    charity: georgia was a colony for "worthy poor". this means that since England gave thses poor citizens land , they couldnot drink or own slaves
    Economy: because of England merchantilism,colonies were forced to plant crops like tobacoo and mulberry trees for silk worms to feed on.
    Defense-Georgia was very successful at repelling spanish attacks from florida.
  • james oglethorpe and the trustees

    Englan gave james oglethrope and 20 other trustess
    premission to establish Georgia as colony in 1733.
    he befriended native americans like tomochichi and mary muskgrove.
    he also allowed jews,scotish,and german immigrante settle georgia.
  • england

    england set up successful colonies in north america
    georgia was england's last of its 13 colonies creadted in1733
    the goal of england was merchantilism
    england was able control colonies like georgia ,all over thw world
  • highland scots

    they were a fierce group of scottish warrior brought to georgia by oglethorpe for their fighting abilites.
  • mississppian indain

    the mississppian indians were the first to meet the