George Tammaro- Antebellum

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was proposed by Henry Clay on January 29, 1850. This led to the civil war because the north gets californa as a free state but the south gets the fugitive slave law which means slaves cannot have trial by jury.
  • Uncle Tom's cabin

    Uncle Tom's cabin
    Uncle Tom's cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe who went to the south for a week to see slavery and how bad it was. So she came back and wrote a novel about the events that occured. This caused the civil war because according the people back then it helped lay ground work of the civil war.
  • Republican party was formed

    Republican party was formed
    The republican party was founded by Amos Tuck. The first meeting was held in Wisconsin to form the party. This was a cause of the civil war because they did not like the south and tensions were rising between them. They were also sucessful in the elections in the future which got Abraham Lincoln president.
  • Lawrence Kansas gets sacked

    Lawrence Kansas gets sacked
    The sacking of Lawrence, Kansas occured because of pro slavery activist and anti slavery activist. This was a cause of the civil war because pro slavery activist attacked the town and destroyed buildings made by anti slavery settlers to help ensure Kansas became a free state.
  • Caning of Sumner by South Carolina Congressman Preston Brooks

    Caning of Sumner by South Carolina Congressman Preston Brooks
    The day after the sacking of lawrence, Preston brooks he gave a speech in the senate saying that they destoyed the town and it was a muderous act and saying that people were robbed and killed. So Andrew Butler and a few other senate people got canes and beat Brooks to death.
  • John Brown kills five proslavery settlers near Pottawatomie Creek

    John Brown kills five proslavery settlers near Pottawatomie Creek
    On this day John Brown into this proslavery town armed with guns and knifes. He was prepared to kill people at this town and killed 5 people before leaving. This was a big cause of the civil war because it started in guerrila war in Kansas.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

    Dred Scott v. Sanford
    This court case was about Dred scott trying to sue a slave owner for freedom and Roger B. Taney said he could not because Dred Scott could never be a citizen. This was a problem that led up to the civil war.
  • Lincoln and Douglass debate

    Lincoln and Douglass debate
    The problem with this debate is that neither of them wanted slavery in their territory. Douglass said that slavery was unsuitable for prarie agriculture of kansas and nebraska. This is also a lead of to the civil war because the winner of this debate has a big impact in the war.
  • John Brown Execution

    John Brown Execution
    John Brown led his followers to many places killing many of men. It started when he killed 5 slavery supporters at the Osawatomie and then at the harpers ferry raid killing many people. There at the ferry he was captured and put on trial and then was convicted and hung publicly. This is another cause to the civil war.
  • Lincoln elected president

    Lincoln elected president
    Abraham Lincoln was elected president on November 6, 1860 being the 16th president of the United States. He lead the fight into the civil war, preserved the union and abolished slavery.