Game Timeline

  • Birth

  • Pokemon Diamond

    Pokemon Diamond
    Pokemon Diamond (Game Freak 2007) was the first game that I ever played to completion. Beforehand the only games that I had really played were educational games in school so this fundamentally changed the way that I viewed the medium.
  • Fallout 4

    Fallout 4
    I have extremely conflicting thoughts about Fallout 4 (Bethesda 2015), along with all of Bethesda's entries in the series. However it still undoubtedly impacted my perception of what games could be. Before Fallout 4 any single player games that I had played were very linear with confined levels/maps but Fallout 4 presented a world where the player could go and do pretty much anything from the moment that you made your character.
  • Period: to

    League of Legends (Season 5 onwards)

    League of Legends (Riot Games 2009) was really what introduced me to the social aspect of gaming and it ended up comprising a lot of the time that I spent outside of school with friends that I lived far away from.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    Breath of the Wild (Nintendo 2017) is an extremely important game to me and remains in my top 5 which I can never decide between to this day. I'd struggle a lot to really give any one reason as to why but the most important ones would be the amount of care that was put into building the map and the absurd attention to detail in all of the mechanics, the physics and sound design being the most impressive parts to me.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
    The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt Red 2015) is another member of my top 5 favorite games of all time. The reason for this is that it managed to do what Fallout 4 never could in my eyes which was having a massive open world while still telling a cohesive and powerful story that more linear and structured games tend to be better at.
  • God of War PS4

    God of War PS4
    God of War PS4 (Santa Monica Studio 2018) is to this day one of the best written stories that I have ever partaken in. It would already deserve a spot on this timeline for the combat alone but the writing of this game is truly something special. I had always been extremely invested in the narratives of any single player games that I played but this game (along with a few others not on this list) made me realize just how powerful games can be as a storytelling medium.
  • Period: to

    Legends of Runeterra

    I had begun to explore competitive gaming with League of Legends (Riot Games 2009) years prior however it always remained more of a casual game to play with friends. The release of Legends of Runeterra (Riot Games 2020) changed this and more or less marked the beginning of my competitive streak in games.
  • The Outer Wilds

    The Outer Wilds
    I'm still playing through The Outer Wilds (Mobius Digital 2019) however it has already had a massive impact on me for the way that each individual game mechanic interlocks to build on each other over and over eventually making the key to the climax of the story. Every little thing in this game serves a major purpose and this is definitely the most important reason that The Outer Wilds is on my timeline.