Gabrielle Pierre Timeline

  • Headright system

    The headright system gave the head of the family 200 acres, 50 acres for every family member, and an additional 50 acres for how ever many slaves that person may have. All of this was a wayb to get your land in Georgia.
  • University Of Georgia

    University Of Georgia
    It was the first public university in the United States to open to lower income people. This university let anyone come and since people liked the university so much they stayed nearby causing Georgia to grow.
  • Louisvile

    Tabacco was a big cash crop and so was cotton. So Georgia became a popular trading area.
  • Georgia revised state constitusion

    Delegates met in Savannah to makes some changes to the state constitution however the constitution end up looking similar to the national one. So to make sure the separation of powers was true Georgia made three branches, executive, legislative, and judicial, but power was unbalanced.
  • Tready of New York

    This treaty was signedd by Alexandar McGillivray having the Creek give up their land. Georgia did not like this at all they were angry because it seemed like the federal government were on the Creek side.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the cottin gin, this cotton gin separated the seeds from the cotton twice as fast. This affected Georgia because having a machine that works twice as fast means you need more people to pick the cotton, so more slaves were brought to pick cotton in Georgia.
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    Yazoo Land Fraud
    The Yazoo Land Fraud was considered to be to be the worst political scandle in Georgia's history because the General Assembly bribed them to pass a bill to allow land companies to buy western land. This affected Geogia because they recieved $1.25 million.
  • Land Lottery

    Land Lottery
    This was implemented to determine who could buy land. This affected Georgia because it helped Georgians gain control of large areas which led to 9 shift in power.
  • Indian Removal Act

    All Indians were forced to leave their homes. georgia was happy about this because they got their land and they wanted to look for land.
  • Railroads

    Before the railroads were built the only transportation were horses, boats, or stagecoaches. However, when the railroad was built it made a major development to Georgia.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The trail of tears forced migration of Georgia's Cherokees to reservations west of the Mississippi River.
  • Baptist/Methodist

    Baptist leaders wanted to unite all the different baptist groups, so the groups formed a Georgia Baptist Convention. Therefore, more people came together exspanding the population in Georgia.