Images boy

From Conception To Birth

  • Conception

    Egg is inseminated
    One Sperm successfully penetrates the egg
    Occurs two weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period also when the due date is determined
    24 hours- first division
  • 1st month (Weeks 4-6)

    1st month (Weeks 4-6)
    Week 4-
    size of a poppy seed
    cells migrate to an area forming 3 layers that will become:
    Top layer- the neural tube (brain, backbone, spinal cord, and nerves)
    Middle Layer- skeleton and muscles grow also heart and circulatory systems will form
    3rd layer- lungs, intestines, and urinary system form
    The embryo is surrounded by amniotic sac
    Week 5-
    The heart is the first organ to develop and function
    Week 6-
    Size of a lintel
    Heart is divided into the 4 chambers and beats at 150 BPM
  • 1st Month (Week 6)

    1st Month (Week 6)
    Week 6 cont. -
    Baby's head is lager than the trunk of its body
    Facial features are forming with dark spots where the eyes, nostrils, ears will form
    Vocal cords and tongue are forming as well as the arms and legs
    Week 7-
    Size of a blueberry
    Tiny tail that is the tailbone (coccyx) this will disappear
    Cartilage is forming between the limbs
    Arms and other limbs become lengthened
    The brain grows a third
    Ears are developing as well as teeth
  • 2nd Month (Weeks 8-10)

    2nd Month (Weeks 8-10)
    Week 8-
    End of embryonic stage
    Size of a kidney bean
    Facial features are more defined
    Nerve cells are forming neural pathways
    Part responsible for scent is taking shape
    Arms and legs are lengthened
    Ankles, thighs, knees and toes are not as defined
    embryonic tail is almost gone
    Week 9-
    Begins looking more human
    Size of a grape
    Earlobes are defined
    Hair follicles form
    Taste buds form on the tongue
    bulb shaped buds form under the gums which are milk teeth
    Week 10-
    Size of a green olive
  • 2nd Month (Weeks 10-12)

    2nd Month (Weeks 10-12)
    Week 10 cont.-
    Forehead is temporarily bulging
    Eyelids are fused shut and will not open until week 27
    Fully developed heart
    Baby has fingers and nails, and it's arms and legs can rotate
    Stomach muscles are taking shape
    The yolk is beginning to shrink
    Week 11-
    Size of a fig
    Mouth is almost formed
    Bones are beginning to fuse
    Week 12-
    Size of a lime
    Bone is beginning to develop from cartilage
  • 4th Month (Weeks 19 and 20)

    4th Month (Weeks 19 and 20)
    Week 19-
    Size of a heirloom tomato
    Arms and legs are proportional
    brain is forming special areas for scenes
    Baby continues to move
    Week 20-
    Length of a banana
    Halfway to due date
  • 3rd Month (Weeks 13 -15)

    3rd Month (Weeks 13 -15)
    Week 13-
    Length of a pea pod
    Head is a third of it's body length
    Fingerprints are forming
    If baby is a boy his testicles have formed and his penis is growing
    If baby is a girl then her ovaries are finished growing containing 2 million eggs
    Size of a lemon
    Body and limbs are now growing faster than the head
    Arms and legs are moving in a coordinated way
    Week 15-
    Size of an apple
    Using swallowing and sucking abilities
    Skeleton is hardening
    Legs, although still short are growing
  • 3rd Month (Week 15 and 16)

    3rd Month (Week 15 and 16)
    Week 15 cont-
    Eyes are now sensitive to light
    Hearing abilities are developing
    Week 16-
    Size of an avocado
    Baby more than doubles it's weight causing the placenta to grow too
    Baby's neck muscles and back bone are getting stronger
    Circulatory system is fully developed and working
  • 4th Month (Weeks 17 and 18)

    4th Month (Weeks 17 and 18)
    Week 17-
    Size of a turnip
    Unique fingerprints finished forming
    Hearing is improving
    Myelin is slowly wrapping around the spinal cord to help speed up messages sent to and from the brain
    Head and body are proportional
    Bones harden
    Week 18-
    Size of a bell pepper
    Ears are in final position
    Eyebrows appear
    Might be able to tell sex of the baby
    If baby is a girl her vagina, uterus, and Fallopian tubes are formed
    If baby is a boy his penis and testicles are defined
  • 5th Month (Weeks 21and 22)

    5th Month (Weeks 21and 22)
    Week 21-
    Length of a carrot
    Skin is transparent and slowly turning pink
    The placenta will dwarf as the baby grows but it will continue growing as it gives nutrients
    Week 22-
    Size of spaghetti squash
    Eyes have formed but the irises do not have any pigment
    Baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid which is good practice for the digestive system
    Meconium accumulates in her bowel.
  • 5th Month (Weeks 22-24)

    5th Month (Weeks 22-24)
    Week 22-
    If you're having girl mammary glands, responsible for making breastmilk develop
    If you’re having a boy his testes into his scrotum
    Week 23-
    Weighs as much as a large mango
    Becoming more sensitive to sound
    Bone marrow is making blood cells
    Week 24-
    Length of an ear of corn
    Sleeping and waking patterns are more defined
    Brain is growing rapidly
    Facial muscles are getting a work out from expressions
    Lung are developed enough that if born early there is a chance of survival
  • 6th Month (Week 26-28)

    6th Month (Week 26-28)
    Week 26 cont-
    If you're having a boy testicles are continuing their journey from the pelvis towards the scrotum
    Baby's taste buds are now fully developed
    Nostrils are beginning to open
    Mouth and lips are becoming more sensitive
    Week 27-
    Same as a head of cauliflower
    Opens eyes for first time
    Baby experiences Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep
    Week 28-
    Weighs same as an aubergine
    Hiccuping is common to feel you baby do in the womb
  • 6th Month (Week 29)

    6th Month (Week 29)
    Week 29-
    Size of a butternut squash
    Brain gaining more folds making it more complex
    Brain growth requires more than half the energy used by your baby Baby's brain will have created billions of neurons.
    Bones continue to harden
  • 7 Months (Week 31-33)

    7 Months (Week 31-33)
    Week 31
    Kicks and bumps will feel different
    Week 32
    As long as a kale leaf
    Babies born at this time have a good chance of surviving
    Fingernails and toenails are fully developed
    Baby might even scratch his or herself if he or she gets an itch
    Week 33
    Size of a pineapple
    Brain and nervous system are full development
    Baby's skin is still continuing to smooth out and become less wrinkly
    The white fat below baby's skin causes his or hers skin to be less red
    Baby's skull is soft for the birth canal
  • 8 Months (Week 38)

    8 Months (Week 38)
    Week 38
    As long as a leek
    Baby will start grasping things with his or her hands
  • 9 Months (Weeks 39-40)

    9 Months (Weeks 39-40)
    Week 39
    Baby might be arriving soon
    Size of a mini-watermelon
    Once baby is born the doctor or midwife will check his or hers length, weight and head circumference
    Baby's organs are developed.
    Baby's skin is becoming thicker and paler
    Baby's lungs are working sufficiently
    Baby may cry or splutter to clear his airways.
    Week 40
    Weighs the same as a small pumpkin
    Bab's hair may continue to get thick and nails may grow more too
  • 6th Month (Weeks 25-26)

    6th Month (Weeks 25-26)
    Week 25-
    Size of a swede
    Becomes more chubby
    Skin becomes smooth
    Senses become more sophisticated
    Baby's eyes have rods and cones allowing him to see light
    Reflexes develop
    Week 26-
    Weighs as much as a red cabbage
    Body is supported by the spin which is getting stronger
    Response to sound is more consistent
    Lungs continue to develop, blood vessels grow as well as alevoli
  • 7th Month (Weeks 30-31)

    7th Month (Weeks 30-31)
    Week 30
    Size of a cabbage
    Growth in length will slow down but baby will continue to gain weight until born
    Baby will respond to light by turning his or her head when a flashlight is place at the bump
    Eyesight is still developing
    Amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is increasing
    Week 31
    Size of a coconut
    Starting to look more like a newborn
    Wrinkled skin becomes more smooth
    As baby grows room in the womb becomes limited this is where baby will assume the classic fetal position
  • 8 Months (Weeks 34-35)

    8 Months (Weeks 34-35)
    Week 34
    Size of a cantaloupe
    If born at 34 it is very unlikely health problems will occur
    Baby is filling out; the layers of fat help regulate body temperature
    Baby still needs you to help him or her to not get too cold or hot
    Baby can recognize your voice, baby also might be able to recognize songs
    The parts of baby's ears that sends messages are becoming more mature
    Week 35
    Size of a honeydew
    You can tell how baby is moving by watching your bump
    Some movements may feel uncomfortable.
  • 8 Months (Weeks 36-37)

    8 Months (Weeks 36-37)
    Week 36
    Similar in length to romaine lettuce
    Baby is full-term meaning he or she could come any day
    baby continues to shed what's left of her downy lanugo hair and vernix caseosa
    Your midwife or doctor will check to see if baby is in the cephalic position
    Baby might shift down
    Week 37
    Similar in length to swiss chard
    Baby is working his facial muscles
    Baby's toenails might be at the ends of his or her toes
    Baby's digestive system is still developing
    Baby's movement pattern will still be regular