Causes Of The American Revolution

  • Beginning Of French & Indian War

    War between Britain and France ended with the British in debt, and Britain wanted more revenue from the colonies. The French were defeated, and the colonies became less dependent on Britain for protection. Great Britain wouldn't let the colonists move past the Appalachian Mountains, and that made the colonists mad. They fought for that land, and they deserved to live there.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution Causes

  • Pontiacs Rebellion

    Some Native Americans that were under Ottawa chief Pontiac attacked British forces in Detroit. They failed to take the fort in their first attack, so they reinforced Wyandots, Ojibwas, and Potawatamis. They were making big plans to wipe out the British from the formerly French lands. The colonists and Britain were upset and they wanted the Native Americans off their land.
  • Proclamation Of 1763

    Made the settlement past the Appalachian Mountains illegal. Some colonists took offense to this proclamation, but Britain didn’t mean for it to. The colonists were agrivated, and wanted the land they fought for.
  • End Of French & Indian War

    The war had ended, with Britain as the victor.
  • Sugar Act

    It raised revenue by increasing the duties on imported sugar, that came from the West Indies. The colonists thought that these taxes were unfair, and they got upset.
  • Currency Act

    Parliament argued that the reduction of importance of British trade was caused by colonial currency. American assemblies were banned from making bills of credit or paper bills. This made it so then Parliament would have control of all the colonist's currency, and that made the colinists mad. They didn't want to be controlled.
  • Stamp Act

    Tax stamps on many items, documents including playing cards, marriage licenses, and newspapers. The direct tax was the payment of defense by the colonies. Other taxes by Britain were hidden. They wanted to be represented for this. They showed violence from this. There were boycotts, and they affected Brtish merchants.The colonists were working together to make decisions. The colonists were upset, because they could get these things for free, then suddenly they were being taxed.
  • Quartering Act

    If needed colonists were to feed and house British soldiers. This was to help get money for the British troops. The New York Assembly argued that this couldn't be forced onto them.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    In New York City, the nine colonies 27 delegates, drew up a statement of rights. Which brought the colonies together in resentment to Britain. "No taxation without representation." Steps towards the colonists unity were being made, becasue Great Britain wasn't treating them fairly.
  • Declatory Act

    The colonists didn't read the fine print, when Britain repealed the Stamp act. Britain was really getting control over the colonists. The colonists were happy, but they didn't have a reason to.
  • Townshend Revenue Acts

    Taxes were forced to help make the colonial officials independent of colonists. Some of the taxes included glass, lead, paing, paper, and tea. There were smugglers that raised their activities, because they wanted to get around the tax, which mean more troops came to Boston. The colonial assemblies did not appreciate this tax being forced upon them.
  • Boston Massacre

    The British soldiers and colonists battled it out in Boston. This was used as an example of British cruelty, even though there are questions of how it all happened. Before this the colonists were slowly uniting themselves, but this really brought them together. Some of the colonists wanted to stay with Britain, and they rebelled against the other colonists. The colonists that didn't like Britain didn't appreciate some of the colonists rebelling against them.
  • Tea Act

    The British East India Company was given a monopoly to trade tea in America, to assist since they were failing.
  • Boston Tea Party

    In Boston Harbor a couple of colonists dressed as Indianse and dumped tea overboard. They did this to three of the ships.
  • Intolerable Acts

    These were passed as a response to the Boston Tea Party. It was made so then the colonists had certain restrictions, such as outlawing town meetings, and closing Boston Harbor.
  • First Continental Congress

    This went through October 26th. This was in response to the Intolerable Acts. 12 out of 13 colonies met in Philadelphia, and one of the biggest results was the creation of The Association. The Association called for a boycott of British goods.
  • Lexington And Concord

    British troops were ordered to Lexington and Concord to take control of the stores that have colonial gunpowder. They were also told to take capture of Samuel Adams and John Hancock. At Lexington open conflict occured and 8 Americans were killed. At Concord The British troops had to retreat becuase they lost 70 men. That was the first time open warfare happened. This helped the colonists unite even further.