
Forest Gump Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley was born in 1935 and died on the 16th of August in 1977. He was referred to, and is still known as "the king of rock and roll." During the 1950's to the 1970s, which was his most active period, he emerged as a leading talented individual. He became one of the biggest music stars in the country by 1955.
    (Chapter 29 Society After World War II Section 2, p 877)
  • Desegration in Alabama

    Desegration in Alabama
    In 1963, Alabama Governor George wallace makes a decision that changes the limits of student admitions. He allows two African American students to enroll. Then on June 10th, 1963, President John F. Kennedy enforces desegregation by sending National Gaurd troops to the University of Alabama.
  • Kennedy's Tragedy

    Kennedy's Tragedy
    John F. Kennedy was shot in the head in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. This tragic event was done by Lee Harvry Oswald who shot him. Many still question why the act was performed. In the end, the Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson, take his place and becomes president. (Chaper 33 War in Vietnam, Section 1)
  • Hippy Movement

    Hippy Movement
    Many people turned to having an alternative way of living life during the 1960's. They did this as a way to persuade peace, avoid war and distance themselves fom mainstream culture. The majority of hippies wore long hair, dressed like peasants, did drugs and dropped out of school.
  • The Air War

    The Air War
    The United States had a bombing operation in Vietnam called Rolling Thunder. President Johnson unleashed this plan in the 1960's, causing lots of damage to land in Vietnam. They mainly aimed at military targets in the North. These actions continued for as long as three years in Hanoi. (Chapter 33 War in Vietnam Section 2)
  • Napalm

    A special weapon was used during the Vietnam war, which was Napalm. Napalm can be described as sticky fire that spreads quickly when fired and causes lots of damage. It can destroy large areas, leaving little life behind, like a 'carpet' would on land. Protestors used napalm an arguement against war stating that it caused unnecessary damage to land.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    During the 1960's a social group called the Black Panthers formed. They fought against discrimination and worked for more control. They were mainly concerned with empowering African Americans. They also planned to reconstruct their welfare program and strived to get blacks out of military service. They used violence as a method to get their message across.
  • Living Room War

    Living Room War
    During battles in Vietnam, the war was labeled as a "living Room War." This was due to the constant broadcasting of lost lives and war images shown to the public. There were nightly body casualty counts which influenced families and their opinion of the war and also caused a decrease in war supporters.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Was elected president of the United States and served from January 20th,1969 to August 9th 1974. His mixed messages to the public and secretive actions, like installing tapping systems in the Oval Office for instance, have caused people to view him as a liar. Artists draw him as a politcal cartoons with a big nose because of their thought of him.
  • Astronauts

    On July 21st, 1969, Niel Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon. This was a geat achievement for Americans because it showed their increase in technology and intelligence in science, technology, and other fields. President Nixon stated that the news he recieved was "..the most historic telephone call ever made." The event will be remebered as "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." His statements show America's excitement of such an accomplishment.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    Forest gump competes in what is called Ping Pong Diplomacy. This simply was a game of table tenis. Americans took a trip to China to participate in this event. Its influence in strengthening the U.S's relationship with China make the event a major one.
  • Apple Computer Inc.

    Apple Computer Inc.
    The incorporation Apple was created during this period. They produced electronics and advanced as a technological business. They are a multinational corperation, founded by multiple men. They still to this day manufacture and design products for consumers. They are doing well in business and also provide stocks to allow their business to grow, as well as share the business with consumers.