First day of school

First Week of School 2019


    Begin the day by learning who the students are and have the students get to know each other as well... Have them play "Two truths and a lie" like discussed in module 1. Also review some of the every day routines that will be happening. Like having to be seated by the bell, have their desks on the line by the bell rings, etc. I would also tell them about the agenda policy that I will have (and that was sent to the parents the week before in a letter).

    Have the students write down on a nice piece of paper for a bulletin board what they think would be realistic goals / rules in the class. Some things they would like to see in the coming year. We will discuss the next day. I want them to hang on the bulletin board because then later on, then I can refer to their own rules that they have stated at the beginning of the year. Then I would go over some of the rules and regulations I have created and expect from the students.

    The 3rd day of school, I would discuss some of the expectations that the class had prepared the day before and explain what we will do in the coming year, and what will not be possible. I will also do a homework check etc. from the day before and be sure to enforce the rules and routines that I have discussed the past two days. Also discuss the assignments that will be throughout the entire year (like book reading points etc.)

    By Friday, I would expect the students to be following routines and I would want to have somewhat of a normal / typical day. This will prepare them nicely for the coming weeks / school year.