First english expo

first english expo to roanoke

  • first english expedition to roanoke

    first english expedition to roanoke
    John White traveled to Roanoke, an island off of North Carolina. Later, he became governer of Roanoke and brought more settlers
  • Convincing

    artist John White convinceds Raleigh to rty again to establish the Roanoke colony. No one knows for sure what happend, some colonists think mingled with the neighboring Native Americans
  • John White abanded

    John White abanded
    White was forced to sail back to England a 2nd time to get needed supplies. He left the colonists including his grandaughter Virginia. In Roanoke. White was delayed did not return to Roanoke. When he came back he found no trace of the colonists or his grandaughter
  • Jamestown is founded

    Jamestown is founded
    in 1607, the Virginia Company of London financed an expition to Chesapeake Bay that included more than 100 colonists. They sailed to James river then they overcame the english settlement Jamestown in honor of King James.
  • Colonists Remained Alive

    Colonists Remained Alive
    John Smith adventure took control to make sure the colonists worked. Smith announced, "He that will not work shall not eat."
  • Tobacco Creation

    Tobacco Creation
    In 1612, John Rolfe developed a high grade tobacco that the colonists learned to grow. It quickly became very popular in England. The success charge Jamestown in many ways