
Worldviews Across Time

  • Period: 500 BCE to 500

    Classical Era

    The Classical era was a time where logic, philosophy, and mathematics were more important than religion or art. The Greeks had a polytheistic worldview and believed that the afterlife you recieved was based off of how good or exciting your life was. Democracy was used a lot during this time-period.
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Mediaeval Era

    The mediaeval time period was a time of feudalism and monarchies. The serfs worked for the knights, the knights for the lords, and the lords for the king. The church was above everyone. People believed that life was meant to be hard and meant to be used to prepare for the afterlife. Life was not fun during the middle ages, and fun wasn't the goal. Christianity was the main religion.
  • Period: 1450 to


    Ah the renaissance, a time where art and music was beautiful and crucial to the time. Finally life had meaning. Still most people were Christian, but there was more joy and less drag to life. Classical writings were coming back in style.
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Era

    The pendulum swung, and now logic and reason are a great focus. This was a time for revolution, and a Republic was desired more than a Monarchy. Philosophy was a big part of this time period, and art and music were more technical, less focused on raw emotion or the supernatural.
  • Period: to

    Romantic Era

    Who cares about laws or morality? We just want to have fun! Romantics believed that life was meant to be lived to the fullest, and that kings shouldn't control what they wanted to do. Romantics were very spiritual, but they didn't always have a specific religion. Art and music were made to be filled with emotion and the unknown. Natural and supernatural were often themes of the art for this time period. The romantic time period overlapped with the Enlightenment era.
  • Period: to

    Victorian Era

    A big shift from what the Romantics believed. Morality and order were of utmost importance in this time-period. Jane Austin is a well-known author from this timeperiod, as is Charles Dickens. No more fantasizing or romanticising art or life, realism was in. Emotion wasn't completely shunned, but nobody appreciated someone who was overexcited or constantly weepy. This time period was named after the queen of England-Queen Victoria.
  • Period: to

    Modern Era

    It's time for change. The modern era was all about doing things differently and changing traditions. The art of the time was often abstract and messy, and the music varied from unique to atrocious.
    Everybody had an opinion, and for the most part, as far as they were concerned, that opinion was the only right thing to believe. Technology and progress were the motto for this time period.
  • Period: to

    Post-Modern Era

    You can believe what you like. Just like always, people had their own opinion, but now it was more acceptable to believe something different. People felt that you should love people regardless of who they are or what they've done, and didn't feel so much of a need for a nuclear family. Most believed that nothing was permanent, and that truth was merely perception. Machines were being replaced by Digital things, and people were finding better ways to do things.