
  • My birth

    I was born in Cáceres in 1998.
  • Earliest memory

    My earliest memory was when I started school, I cried a lot because I wanted to go with my mum.
  • Move

    In 2004 I moved from la Mejostilla to la Plaza de Italia.
  • Secondary school

    I've been in Norba Caesarina for 3 years.
  • Changes since I were young

    I´ve changed a lot since I was young. I'm not shy any more and I´m more sociable. I started wearing lenses instead glasses.
  • A bad memory

    I broke my leg in P.E, it hurt a lot and ambulance didn´t come soon.
  • A good memory

    When I went to La Roche sur Yon, France. It was an exchange betweeen french and spanish people.
  • My birthday

    It was a very funny and memorable day.
  • Primary school

    In primary school I had a very good teacher called Don Juan, he taught us in a funny way.
  • Future

    I think that when I finish secondary school I´ll probably go to the university.
  • Future

    Then, when I´m older I want to live peacefully in a village.