Fetal DEvelpement Timeline

  • fertilization

  • Blastosyt.

    Your baby-in-the-making is a ball of cells called a blastocyst. it contains a full set of DNA from you and your partner, which determines sex, eye color, and other traits.
  • The Embryo

    The ball of cells has officially become an embryo and is about the size of a little seed. it kind of looks weird
  • Develpement

    The baby begins to have a heartbeat.and the body is growingkind of fast.
  • features

    facial features begin to appear.
  • growing

    the arms and legs are growing. the babys little fingers are growing also. the baby is also beginning to move a little.
  • eyes and developement

    you can now see the babys eyes even though they are shut. its also lost its tail and is starting to look human.
  • Embryo and organs.

    the embryo has now become a fetus. its vital organs are beginning to form like its heart, lungs,etc.
  • The Baby and its more features

    the baby is almost fully developed. her bones are hardening and his/her genitals are developing. you can also hear the heartbeat very well.
  • 14 weeks

    the bays kidneys are producing urine. it can make facial expressions and canprobably suck its thumb.
  • 15/16 weeks

    your baby can now see light and you probably can know your babys gender by now.
  • 18/19 weeks

    you should feel your baby move. your baby can hear noise and can hear your heartbeat.
  • 23/24 weeks

    Your baby's sense of movement has developed, so he can feel the motion if you dance. Your baby's taste buds are developing. Her brain is growing very quickly, and her hair may be growing, too. She's almost a foot long and weighs just over a pound.
  • 27 weeks

    Your baby's been doing "practice breathing" by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, and if he was born now his lungs could function (with a lot of medical help). He can also open and close his eyes.
  • 28 weeks

    Your baby may be dreaming. She has eyelashes, and her eyesight is improving.
  • 32 weeks

    He's grown cute little fingernails and toenails. He's almost 17 inches long (head to heel) and weighs about 3 3/4 pounds.
  • 34 weeks

    If your baby's born now, she's considered "late preterm." Healthy babies born at this stage usually do fine, though they need some care in the neonatal intensive care unit.
  • 37 weeks

    Your baby is now considered full-term. His lungs should work fine if he's born now, but ideally he'll stay in your womb a bit longer.
  • 40 weeks (; (; (;

    your baby is due !!!!!!! The average weight of a newborn is about 7 1/2 pounds, and the average length is about 20 inches. If you go more than one or two weeks past your due date without delivering, your doctor may decide to induce labor.