Newborn baby photography essex 006

Fetal Development Timeline

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    First Month

    First Month
    Size: Pin head at 2 weeks.
    Egg attaches to uterus lining.
    Brain, spinal cord, circulatory system, and internal organs start developing.
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    Second Month

    Second Month
    Fetus is around 1/4 inch in the beginning of month.
    Bones are forming, as well as the limbs, eyes, ears, and face.
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    Third Month

    Third Month
    About an inch in size when month starts.
    Eyelids, nostrils, mouth, lips and buds for baby teeth start forming.
    Fingers and toes are almost finished developing, and all organs are present, though immature.
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    Fourth Month

    Fourth Month
    When beginning month, weight is about an ounce and is around 3 inches long. Its facial features are starting to become more clear. It can also suck its thumb, move around, swallow, and even hiccup.
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    Fifth Month

    Fifth Month
    It's around 6 and 1/2 to 7 inches long in size when the month starts, and weighs around 4-5 ounces. Hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes are starting to appear. Teeth are developing more. The organs are maturing as well. The fetus is more active now.
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    Sixth Month

    Sixth Month
    When the month starts, it's size is around 8 to 10 inches, and weight around 8-12 ounces. Fat starts to deposit under the skin, however the fetus still looks wrinkled. Breathing movements start.
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    Seventh Month

    Seventh Month
    In the beginning of the month, it is around 10-12 inches long and weighs about 1 and 1/2 to 2 pounds. It will be active at certain periods of time and be resting and quiet for others.
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    Eighth Month

    Eighth Month
    Size is around 14-16 inches and about 2 and 1/2 to 3 pounds at start of month. Its rapid weight gain will continue. It might react to loud noises with a jerking, reflexive action. It also starts to move into a head down position.
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    Ninth Month

    Ninth Month
    When the month starts, it is about 17- 18 inches long, and weighs about 5-6 pounds. It continues to gain weight. As fat deposits continue, the skin smooths out. As the fetus has less room to move around, movements decrease. From the mother's blood, it starts to acquire antibodies that fight diseases. It finally descends into the pelvis to be ready for birth.