Fetal Development Timeline. Mickenzie Eyre, Period 5.

  • Ovulation

    An ova is released from the ovary. Around every twenty-eight days, at least one ova, sometimes more, is released from the ovary.
  • Conception

    When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg. Conception occurs in the upper one third of the fallopian tube and the zygote late drops down into the uterus.
  • Zygote

    A fertilized egg through the first two weeks of the pregnancy.
  • Embryo

    The third through eighth week of gestation.
  • Fetus

    The ninth week of gestation through birth.
  • First Trimester (four weeks)

    First Trimester (four weeks)
    The fetus is a zygote, is one forth of an inch long, has a heart beat, and pumps blood to the liver and aorta. The mother will experience a missed period, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and may be sensitive to certain smells.
  • First Timester (six through eight weeks)

    First Timester (six through eight weeks)
    Most vital organs are developed, the eyelids are formed, the leg and arm buds begin to form, the bones and muscles begin to form, and the brain is developing. The mother will experience morning sickness, frequent urination, cravings, breast enlargement, and irritability.
  • First Trimester (twelve weeks)

    First Trimester (twelve weeks)
    The fetus is three inches long, weighs half an ounce, has an audible heartbeat, all of its organs are working, and it practices breathing and swallowing amniotic fluid. The mother experiences nausea, vomiting, and frequent urination. Morning sickness may begin to subside.
  • Second Trimester (fourth month)

    Second Trimester (fourth month)
    Four to six inches long, weighs four ounces, muscles are developed and fetus moves, skin is pink and transparent, umbilical cord and placenta work properly. Mothers size increases and she enters what is called the "golden trimester" because she experiences little discomfort.
  • Second Trimester (fifth month)

    Second Trimester (fifth month)
    Eight to twelve inches long, weighs eight ounces, sleeps and wakes at regular intervals, baby moves a lot. Mother still in golden trimester.
  • Second Trimester (sixth month)

    Second Trimester (sixth month)
    Weighs one to one and a half pounds, eyes are fully developed but not open, fetus can hear outside world and recognize mothers voice, finger prints are formed, moves a lot. Mother begins to leave the golden trimester and feels the fetus kick.
  • Third Trimester (seventh month)

    Third Trimester (seventh month)
    Fifteen inches long, weighs two and a half to three pounds, cries, opens eyes and sucks thumbs, is able to grasp things. The mothers posture is effected and she may experience shortness of breath and round ligament pain.
  • Third Trimester (eighth month)

    Third Trimester (eighth month)
    Gains two to three pounds, shed lanugo, head moves into down position, can move and change positions, lungs finish developing. The mother may experience back aches, leg cramps, and fatigue.
  • Third Trimester (ninth month)

    Third Trimester (ninth month)
    Is fourteen to fifteen inches long, gains half a pound a week, weighs six to eight pounds, acquires antibodies from mother, is born. Before the mother has the baby the fetus will drop into the pelvis, it will be easier to breath, she may waddle or experience false labor pains.