
Family Studies

  • 1893 Textbook Departmental Regulations

    1893 Textbook Departmental Regulations
    Below is a link for the authorized textbooks permitted by the Department Regulations in 1983. With no reference to Family Studies besides temperance and hygiene you can see the strides they were able to achieve.
  • Home Science Section of the Ontario Education Association Created

    Home Science Section of the Ontario Education Association Created
    A conference of the Ontario teachers of Domestic Science and Art was held with the object of the conference "to discuss the advisability of organizing a Section of the Ontario Education Association for the consideration of subjects bearing upon Home Economics and Domestic Art." Following this conference Mrs. Hoodless was elected the President of the Home Science Section of the Ontario Education Association. The 9 founding members had a 50 cent membership fee. (OFSHEEA, 2011)
  • Curriculum Development

    Curriculum Development
    The growing group of Home Science Section of the Ontario Education Association expanded their professional growth with guest speakers and a focus on partnership with the Department of Education to improve teaching methods and improve curriculum. (OFSHEEA, 2011)
    These focuses can still be seen today with professional growth, good teaching practices and curriculum in tune with modern social changes being at the forefront of the field.
    The image depicts a typical school in Ontario in 1905.
  • Strives for Secondary Education

    Strives for Secondary Education
    With growing concerns for secondary education for their students the Household Science Section joined forces with the newly created Household Science and Arts Subsection of the Technical School Section. The were then able to provide curriculum for students at the secondary level. (OFSHEEA, 2011)
    Currently, we are having the opposite problem with students receiving limited to no defined Family Studies curriculum within the elementary division.
  • OFSHEEA Goals, Roles and Objectives

    OFSHEEA Goals, Roles and Objectives
    In 1989, following a name change to its current Ontario Family Studies Home Economics Educators' Association (OFSHEEA), the released the following mission statement: “with the ultimate goal of strengthening the family the role of OFSHEEA is to initiate and facilitate the professional development and personal growth of educators to promote quality family studies programs in Ontario." (OFSHEEA, 2011) The current Roles and Objectives are listed below.
  • OFSHEEA Roles and Objectives

    The OFSHEEA Roles from 1989 remain as major focuses today with the current Goals and Objectives being: "As a non-profit organization focused on serving the members of our teaching community, the role of OFSHEEA is to facilitate the professional development and personal growth of educators to promote quality Family Studies programs in Ontario. (OFSHEEA, 2006) Objectives listed below
  • OFSHEEA Roles, Goals and Objectives continued

    OFSHEEA Objectives
    • To encourage continual professional growth in its members and solidarity with others of like professional interests.
    • To encourage active co-operation among Family Studies-Home Economics Educators at all levels-elementary, secondary and post-secondary.
    • To unite all groups and persons interested in Family Studies-Home Economics.
    • To maintain a high standard of professional ethics.
    • To offer conferences and workshops at the provincial and regional levels."(OFSHEEA, 2006)
  • Home Ecology in Universities

    Home Ecology in Universities
    Universities in Canada have spread the depth of the Family Studies programing by developing Home Ecology. As a new field, "The main challenge then is making sure people have the right idea about what human ecologists are doing – whether it’s designing a meal plan for a low-income family, drafting government policy, or developing a protective fabric to protect paramedics." (Pereira, 2008) There are many exciting things on the horizon, no matter the name changes.
  • Refenences

    OFSHEEA. (April 14, 2011) History - Where did we Begin? Retrieved July 2017 from: OFSHEEA. (March 06, 2006) The Role of OFSHEEA. Retrieved July 2017 from: Pereira, A. (Jun 09, 2008) Home Economics For A New Generation. Retrieved July 2017 from: