Clara barton

Example for Students: Clara Barton

  • Birthdate

    Clara Barton was born to Captain Stephen Barton and Sarah Stone Barton in Oxford, Massachusetts. She was the youngest of five children. Attached is a picture of Clara's mother.
  • Period: to

    Nursing brother David

    Eleven year old Clara Barton nursed her brother David back to health for two years after he had a serious accident falling off the roof during a barn raising. She learned to apply leaches to bleed him which was a more commonly used and recommended treatment during the 1800s. (January 1st here is designated for an unknown exact date in this instance.)
  • Advice from a phrenologist

    Advice from a phrenologist
    Clara's parents were concerned about their daughter's shy demeanor and so they consulted a phrenologist named L. N. Fowler who recommended that Clara should become a teacher. (January 1st represents an unknown date.)
  • Teaching

    Clara Barton passes her teaching examinations and begins work as a teacher. (The 1st represents an unknown date.)
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars in U.S. history where brother fought against brother. Finally after four years the Union won preventing the Confederate Southern states from seceding from the Union.
  • Angel of the Battlefield

    Angel of the Battlefield
    Clara Barton is given the title Angel of the Battlefield for her nursing work in the Civil War.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Barton provides desperately needed medical supplies and attends to the wounded. She is almost killed in this battle when a bullet passes through the sleeve of her dress killing the man she is helping.
  • Clara Barton finding missing soldiers

    Clara Barton finding missing soldiers
    The US did not have government regulated procedures in place to help reunite soldiers with their families. Many families had no way of knowing whether their family members had died in battle or not. After the Civil War, Clara Barton filled the need of looking for missing men. Congress reimburses $15,000 to Clara Barton for expenses she used to find missing men.
  • American Association of the Red Cross

    American Association of the Red Cross
    At age 60 Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.
  • Sea Islands Hurricane

    Sea Islands Hurricane
    The Sea Island Hurricane killed thousands of people in Savannah, Georgia. Clara Barton and the American Red Cross provided relief to the predominantly African-American population hit by the hurricane and tidal wave.
  • Death

    Clara Barton died of pneumonia at age 91.