Evolution Timeline

  • Bishop Ussher

    Bishop James Ussher calculated that the creation of Earth was in 4004 B.C
  • Spontaneous Generation

    New instruments of magnification started helping the scientific researchs realize there was no spontaneous generation
  • Linnaeus´s

    Linnaeus´s makes a system to divide all life on Earth where he divides lide into kingdoms, classes, orders, genera and species
  • Comte de Bufon

    Comte de Bufon speculates that living creatures evolve according to the natural law. He even suggests that humans and apes are related.
  • Natural Theology

    Natural theology states that not only Gods existence but also his attributes are manifest in the intricate forms of nature.
  • Lamarck

    Lamarck says that vital forces within creatures help them adapt to their environment and they evolve.
  • Cuvier

    Cuvier goes against the motion of evolution and argues that modern creatures are far to complex to have evolved naturally
  • Lyell

    Lyell helps with the further idea of evolution by arguing the slow-moving, gradual process.
  • Period: to

    Beagle Voyage

    Charles Darwin goes in a vogage and after a 2 year trip he returns commited to a life in science, discovering natures law.
  • Neanderthal

    They find a skull that looks much like modern human but distinctively different. Neanderthal fossils debate over human evolution.
  • Wallace

    Wallace writes to Darwin with the theory of natural selection that Darwin had been researching for 20 years.
  • Origin of Species

    Darwin publishes his book and is of the most influential but at the end Darwin stresses that the book is not a denial of God.
  • Ape debate

    While Darwins book does not address human evolution critics assume (correctly) that he thinks humans are no exception. Critics attack Darwin's theory for bestializing humankind.
  • Evolution Accepted

    Evolution becomes mainstream science but Darwin's theory continues to be doubted.
  • Descendant of man

    Darwin makes a new book where he also stresses the importance of sexual selection in evolution. To pass traits to future generations, individuals must not only be fit to survival but irresistable to opposite traits.
  • Horse Fossils

    Looking for a dramatical example of evolution they find a modern horse from a four-toed ancestor. They predict that a more ancient five-toed animal likely existed.
  • Darwin´s burial

    Darwin dies. The Angelican Church has accepted evolution and many people combine their view of life with religious faith.
  • Radioactivity

    Radioactivity was discovered by physicist Antoine Henri. This tecniques showed thaat Earth was more han 4.3 billion years old.
  • Piltdown man

    Piltdown man
    There was a fossil skull called piltdown man that brings the argument for human evolution, but in 1950's its revealed as a fake.
  • first anti evolution bill

    first anti evolution bill
    2 measures pass. In Oklahoma a ban is placed in public schools to teach the Darwin way and in florida a non-binding resolution declares that it is improper to believe any hypothesis that links man to a lower life.
  • Man like Ape

    Man like Ape
    Raymond Dart brings to focus the implication that humans evolved through fierce hunting which horrified anti-evolutionist.
  • Textbook Censored

    Textbook Censored
    Publishers remove references to evoolution from Biology textbooks
  • Tennessee Bill

    Tennessee Bill
    The Tennessee passes a bill that makes it prohibited for schools to teach any theory that denies mans creation as thaught in the Bible, and to teach instead that humans come from a descended animal
  • Period: to

    Anti-evolution bills

    35 new anti-evolution bills are proposed in 20 states and 3 states pass the law. By 1930's there were restrictions on teaching evolution.
  • Neo Darwinism

    Neo Darwinism
    Neo Darwinism is a updated theory of evolution combining modern gentics with Darwins 19th century theory.
  • Evolution Shunned

    Since textbooks were censored scientists started to worry since less than halp of the high school science teacher thaught anything about evolution.
  • Supreme Court

    Supreme court bans religious instruction in public schools
  • Pope Pios XII

    Pope Pios XII
    Pope pios XII considers evolution a serious hypothesis to study. He says "If the human body takes its origin from pre-existent living matter, the spiritual soul is immediately created by God"
  • Origins of Life

    Origins of Life
    Stanley Miller produces amino acids, the key chemical building blocks of life. This expirement indicates the first life on Earth may have arisen through natural processes.
  • DNA

    They discover the double helix structure of DNA that helps unlock how genes work.
  • Human and Apes

    Human and Apes
    After comparing DNA of humans, orangutans, and African apes (gorillas and chimps) evidence showed humans and orangutans are more closely related to African apes than African apes to orangutans
  • Supreme Court on Evolution

    Lawsuits begin challenging anti-evolutionists in the South. This effectively puts an end to laws barring the teaching of evolution in public schools.
  • DNA codes

    DNA codes
    Scientists now see at a molecular level, how the DNA of various organisms has changed through time with a much easier and inexpensive way.
  • Textbook Disclaimer

    A school board passes the requirement that whenever being thaught of evolution students must be informed that the material is not intended to influence or dissuade the Bible version of creation
  • Pop John Paul II

    Pop John Paul II
    Pop John Paul II goes a step further in acceptance toward evolution and shows his respect to all researchers that have progressed with this theory.
  • Science Standards

    Science Standards
    12 states shun the word evolution and 4 avoid topics in evolution completely. They believe schools need to recognize and honor faith.
  • Human Genome

    Human Genome
    With the first draft of the sequence of the human genome complete, scientists see more than ever before how intimately related the human species is to other life on Earth.