
Evolution of Music”

  • Period: 50,000 BCE to 5000 BCE

    Music in Prehistory

    In prehistory, music appears in hunting or war rituals and in festivals where, around the fire, people danced to exhaustion. The music is based mainly on rhythms and movements that mimic animals. Man's musical manifestations consist in the externalization of his feelings through the sound emanating from his own voice and in order to distinguish it from the speech he uses to communicate with other beings.
    The first instruments were objects, utensils or the human body.
  • 3200 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    In Egypt they were distracted by listening to the music of the lute, sistrum, flute, harp and lyre . Temples and palaces maintained orchestra and choir , and one of the positions of the pharaoh's palace was that of musical superintendent.
  • 1200 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    Music was an important part of social and cultural life in Ancient Greece . Musicians and singers played a prominent role in Greek theater. Mixed choir performances were performed for entertainment, celebration, and spiritual ceremonies.
    There were air, string and percussion instruments , but the flute, at least in Athens, was the instrument that had the most followers.
  • Period: 476 to 1400

    Middle Ages

    The medieval music used many stringed instruments and lute, Moorish guitar or mandora, the guiterna and the psaltery. The dulcimer, similar in structure to the psalteries and zither, which were originally stippled. The rabel was a three-stringed chordophone, played with a bow.
  • Period: 1400 to


    The music of the Renaissance (c. 1400 to 1600) focused more on secular themes, such as courtly love . Around 1450, the printing press was invented , which made printed scores much less expensive and easier to mass-produce. b Increased availability of sheet music helped spread musical styles more quickly and over a wider area. Musicians and singers often worked for the church, courts, and cities.
  • Period: to

    Baroque Music

    Baroque music is the musical period that dominates in Europe throughout the seventeenth century and the first half of the following, being replaced by classicism around 1750-1760. It is considered that it was born in Italy and reached its maximum splendor in Germany during the late Baroque. It is one of the richest, most fertile, creative and revolutionary periods in the history of music.
  • Period: to


    he music of the classical period (1730 to 1820) aimed to imitate what were considered the key elements of the art and philosophy of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome : the ideals of balance, proportion, and disciplined expression. The music of the classical period has a lighter, clearer, and considerably simpler texture than the baroque music that preceded it.
  • Period: to


    The romantic music (c. 1810-1900) of the century xix had many elements in common with the romantic styles in literature and painting of the time. The Romanticism was an artistic, literary and intellectual movement which was characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism and the glorification of all the past and nature. Romantic music expanded beyond the rigid styles and forms of the classical era to more passionate and dramatic expressive pieces and songs.
  • Period: to


    The musical Impressionism is a musical movement emerged in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth especially in French music, with composers need to try new combinations of instruments for greater tonal richness. In musical Impressionism much importance is given to timbres, with which different effects are achieved. It is also characterized because the times are not linear but are executed in succession of impressions.
  • Contemporary music

    Contemporary music
    The music academic contemporary is the one that has been created from the withdrawal of musical modernism in the mid-seventies, although sometimes usually includes more broadly to all forms of music postonal
  • Period: to

    Modern music

    The first is the abandonment of tonality and the total breakdown of forms and techniques that had been taking place since the beginning of the Baroque era from 1910 on, in harmony with the other total breaks in the other branches of the arts. From there, Western music becomes very experimental and composers strive to find new ways in both forms, instruments, colors, tonality, rhythm to make a totally new music and far removed from the period of practice. common of the last three hundred years.
  • Evolution of Music”

    Evolution of Music”
    From vinyl records to cassettes, CDs, MP3 players and streaming services, the way we listen to music has evolved rapidly over the years.