Evolution of Media Through Ages

  • Pre Industrial Ages

    Pre Industrial Ages
    In this era, people discovered fire, paper was made from plants and weapons and tools were forged from stone, bronze copper and iron. Clay tablets is the best example were historically used in Ancient Near East particularly in writing Cuneiform.
  • Industrial Ages

    Industrial Ages
    In this age, they discovered steam power, the invention of machine tools, the beginning of iron production and manufacture of numerous items wherein it paved way to the beginning of printing press. Typewriter begins to gain popularity.
  • Electronic Age

    Electronic Age
    During this age, people invented transistor. The power of transistor begins that results in transistor radio, electronic circuits and early computers. People used telegraph, telegram and computers to communicate with each othe
  • Information Ages

    Information Ages
    Internet paved way for more convenient communication wherein it develops social network. People used personal computer, smartphone, Mobile phones, wearable technology and social media to communicate with each other.