Evolution of Management

  • F.W. Taylor

    F.W. Taylor - (Pg. 39) Taylor, is best known for his work in defining techniques of scientific management. His studies revolves around the study between people and the tasks given for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency.
  • Ford Assembly Line

    Ford Assembly Line - The Assembly Line single handily changed the way the work place ran. It allowed for a centralized place for everybody to work, but more or less it allowed for managers to easily keep track of what was happening during the work day.
  • Max Weber

    Max Weber - (Pg.45) Weber wrote at the turn of the 20th century, when Germany was undergoing its industrial revolution. He was central to founding the theory of Bureaucracy.
  • Scientific Management /

    Scientific Management – (Pg. 38-41) the systematic study of relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency.
  • Fordism

    Fordism - (Pg. 41) Management realized that the turnover rate by 1914 were as high as 300-400%, caused Henry Ford to react. Fordism was used to motivate his workers by changing work days from 9 to 8 hour days and increasing wages from $2.50 to $5.00 per day. These management type actions were pivotal for Ford to create his empire and lay a basis of success in America.
  • Henri Fayol

    Henri Fayol - (Pg. 46) Fayol was the CEO of Comambault Mining. Fayol was key in identifying 14 key principals of management. They are division of labor, authority and responsibility, unity of command, line of authority, centralization, unity of direction, equity, order, initiative, discipline, remuneration of personnel, stability of tenure of personnel, subordination of individual interests to the common interest, spirit de corps. All of these are key fundamentals to management today.
  • Bureaucratic Management

    Bureaucratic Management – (Pg. 45-46) a formal system of organization and administration designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Human Relations

    Human Relations – (Pg. 52) a management approach that advocates the idea that supervisors should receive behavioral training to manage subordinates in ways that elicit their cooperation and increase their productivity.
  • Hawthorne Effect

    Hawthorne effect – (Pg. 52) The Hawthorne effect which I strongly believe from my own experience with managers is strongly overlooked. The Hawthorne effect is the findings that a manger’s behavior or leadership approach can affect workers’ level of performance.
  • Mary Parker Follet

    Mary Parker Follet - (Pg. 51) Follet serves as the mother of management just as F.W. Taylor serves as the father. Her main contribution to management was that she pointed out that management often overlooks the multitude of ways in which employees can contribute to the organization when manages allow them to participate and exercise initiative in their everyday work lives.
  • HP

    HP Way – (Pg. 54-55) The HP Way comes from the electronic company Hewlett-Packard (HP), which thought of an idea which multiple guidelines. First off and most appealing to workers was the idea of long-term employment. Which HP found a way during waves of other companies laying off, HP fired very few people.
  • FLSA

    Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - The fair labor standards act says that there has to be a set standard of wages and overtime pay, which most everyone in the private and public employment are under. The act is administered to make sure people get paid properly, may it be minimum wage or overtime.
  • Chain stores

    Chain convenient store - I believe that with the mass spread of corporate businesses such as Target and Walmart has caused management to be put under the spot light. These stores have also created a widespread of managerial type positions within the work force.
  • Unions

    Unions - Unions were pivotal alongside with many acts and laws that were passed to accommodate workers for their grueling work tasks and long days with insufficient pay. The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) also known as the Landrum-Griffin Act was the biggest turning point for union’s relations and practice.
  • Theory X

    Theory X – (Pg. 53) Theory X is a set of negative assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manger’s task is to supervise workers closely and control their behavior.
  • Theory Y

    Theory Y – (Pg. 54) Theory Y is a set of positive assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manager’s task is to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and exercise initiative and self-direction. Theory Y is what lead HP to manage their workers the way they did.
  • Contingency Theory

    Contingency theory – (Pg. 57-58) the idea that the organizational structures and control systems managers choose depend on (are contingent on) characteristics of the external environment in which the organization operates.
  • (OSH)

    (OSH) Act - The occupational safety and health OSH Act which ensures the safety and health conditions in most private industries are regulated by OSH or OSHA-approved state programs. This act was passed to make sure the work place was free from recognized serious hazards. Businesses that follow this act all have a set rules and regulations.
  • Internet

    Internet - The internet in my opinion has shaped the earth as the greatest invention to impact the world since the industrial revolution. There isn't an aspect of life and management that has not been effected by the internet.