Evolution of Buisness

  • The Industial Revelution

    People created machines and made bigger factories
  • Period: to

    Evolution of Business

  • The Entrepreneurial Era

    Motion picture was developed and that gave people inspiration to create thing and gave people ideas and those ideas are still shaping generations to this day. And
  • The Production Era

    This era improved productivity because of Henry fords amazing idea the assemblies line. And manufacturing because of the new and improved machines.
  • The Marketing Era

    After world war 22 demands of good increased and that helped our economie. Also in the marketing era their were things created like vacuums that helped our everyday life.
  • The Global Era

    The global impacted the U.S businesses from around the world. And caused U.S to improve quality and cut cost created out sourcing and new markets.
  • The Information Era

    Their was the internet that made a world f difference everything was at your finger tips. It also created new and improved businesses opportunities.