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    Music in Prehistory

    We have obtained the information thanks to archeology and the objects that we have found from the people who lived at this time.
    Instruments at this stage are known to have been made from wood, stone, and materials of animal origin such as horns and skins. We also infer that music must have been used in hunting and as a ritual means of connection with nature and deities.
  • 1450


    Gregorian chant had Latin texts and was originally monodic in character (a single melodic line). It is from these songs that the first musical writing system is established. Apart from the Gregorian chant, songs were created by the so-called "menestrelli" who were minstrels and troubadours, traveling artists or entertainers for parties and banquets in the courts.
  • Renaissance music

    The music begins to take more complexity with the polyphony and the counterpoint, that is, more melodic lines begin to get involved to play with the sound from the independence of the voices, the tensions and resolutions in relation to their intervals.
    There is still a differentiation between religious musical forms (mass and motet) and popular or profane ones such as madrigals and carols.
  • Baroque music

    It is developed mainly thanks to the opera, which took place in theaters accompanied by groups of instruments and from which the use and bases of the development of the instrumental language of the symphony orchestra, which at this time had the strings strung, are introduced. as the predominant resource.
  • Classicism

    The music of classicism is characterized by its transparency, clarity, symmetry and solidity in the key. In contrast to the previous Baroque era, classicism sought naturalness and rejected excesses. It is at this time that the classic models par excellence of forms such as the symphony and the sonata are established.
  • Romanticism

    romanticism seeks individual sentimental expression, the interpretation of life and nature. The greatest importance is given to the proposal of personal ideas and freedom of creation. The exotic was a great reason for appreciation.
    Musically, there is a greater use of harmonic changes, colors, minor tones, range expansion and musical variety. There is a lot of use of ambiguous colors and modulations. The size of the orchestra grew remarkably in quantity and in inclusion of instruments.
  • Impressionism

    It has its origin predominantly in France, with the musicians Claude Debussy and Déodant de Séverac. Some argue that impressionism is not exactly a musical genre but an extension of ideology.
    In any case, musical impressionism is characterized by complete freedom of harmonic and rhythmic creativity, which are established initially but manipulated during the work.
  • Music today

    With the change of the music industry, many types of music appear such as: dance, electropop, rap, reggaeton, flamenco etc.
    Before the songs were about love themes, about life, etc. and nowadays people deal with several different topics than before, the main ones are: heartbreak and some cases putting women as sexual objects.