Events that led to the civil war.

By staggma
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri becomes a slave state while maine becomes a free state.
  • Wilmot proviso

    Specified that slavery should be prohibited in all land gained from mexico.
  • Compromise of 1850

    5 seprate bills passed in september being called"final solution"
  • Fugitive slave act

    Required all citizens to help capture runaway slaves
  • Uncle toms cabin

    Stunned people of her description of slavery.
  • kansas/nebraska act

    A goverment come in power that supported the fugitive slave act and stated that kansas should decide wether or not to be a free state or a slave state.
  • Bleeding kansas

    Outbreak of war in kansas, first bloodshed relating to slavery.
  • Dred scott decision

    A court case of dred scott trying to become a free man but lost.
  • Lincoln/douglas debate

    Were both lincoln and douglas frought for a seat on the senete
  • Lincoln/douglas debate

    were both lincoln and douglas frought for a seat on the senete
  • John harpers raid

    Takes a city and freed slavery abolished
  • Lincoln Elected

    Elected even though his name wasn't on the ballet on some southerners states