Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was a request for Missouri to divide into a slave and non slave state. This caused an angry debate. The North and the South were forced to have different economic systems, and they would have evenly balanced slave states and free states. -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was a proposal that stated that slavery should be prohibited in any lands that might be aquired to Mexico. Many people were furiated. Peple wanted to introduce slavery to California and New Mexico. Also, southerners wanted slavery to spread. This proposal did not pass. -
Compromise Of 1850
The Compromise stated that California would become a free state, and New Mexico would also be a free state. Washington D.C would not allow trading or selling slaves. This was believed to be anothe temperary solution. If this compromise were to pass this would make the amount of free and slave states uneven. And the South would not let that happen. -
Fugitive Slave Act
This act required all citizens to help catch runaways. People in the South believed that it would help Northerners recognize the rights of Southerners. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Breacher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin. Her book was about a person who has been through slavery. This booked stunned so many people with her description of slavery. Many people began to realize how evil slavery was. The North got mad and joined the fight. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
Kansas wanted to become a free state. There was a bill the stated that states could allow slavery by popular sovereignty. When that was announced, everyone expected Kansas and Nebraska to be free states. Many people felt that it undid the Missouri Compromise, and that it was unbalanced. -
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas had the choice to vote if they wanted their state to allow slavery or to oppose it. People who were against slavery and those who supported slavery moved to Kansas to influence the vote. 2,000 people moved to Kansas. This created violence. The violence grew. This was the first act of violence over slavery. In the end Kansas ended up becoming a free state. -
Dred Scott Decision
A slave sued his owners because he wanted to become a free man in a free state. He did not win freedom in the courts. This case eventually led to freedom in all states. People were outradged by the courts decision. Instead of trying to solve the problem the people went to war. -
Lincoln Douglas Debate
Stephen Douglas was against slavery. He believed that it should be up to the state to vote. Abraham Lincoln was also against slavery. He believed that congress could not eliminate slavery. -
John Brown's Raid
John Brown and his men would assist run away slaves and launch attacks on slave holders. This was John Brown's plan but in the end his plan changed. Most of his men were killed. Brown was badly wounded, he was trialed and hung. -
Lincoln Elected in 1860
Lincoln was elected even though his name wasnt ballot.Seven states had seceded by the time of Lincoln's inauguration.This pushed south towards secession -
Secession Of South Carolina
South Carolina opposed Lincoln's election. They vote to break away i nit want to be part of the U.S. It was the 1st Southern state to do this.