
Events of the Cold War

By klip
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan is a plan for the US and other nations to help Europe to get back on their feet and aid them with food and supplies. This is significant to the Cold War because the plan created an alliance with every nation in the plan. It was called the North Atlantic Alliance.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift help take supplies to West Berlin with the United States help. It is significant to the Cold War because it happened at the end of World War II. Berlin didn't want the Soviets to search their cargo so the Soviets got mad and tryed to stop the supplies from going into West Berlin. The US agreed to help Berlin get supplies. The Soviets did't want that too. This created anger.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    The Creation of NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and was made by the US and 11 other nations. The significant of NATO to the Cold War is the Soviet Union took it as a rivial and created their own pact called the Warsaw Pact.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War was against the North and South Korea. The US stood by South Korea. This war is significant to the Cold War because it was the first military action of the Cold War. In the end, the Korean peninsula was divided.
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of Warsaw Pact
    The Creation of the Warsaw Pact was with the Soviet Union and Europe and was made to go against the creation of the NATO. This event is significant to the Cold War because it caused threats and the pact was made to threaten the NATO.
  • Soviet launch Sputnik

    Soviet launch Sputnik
    The Soviet lanched Sputnik for a satellite in space. This is significant to the Cold War because the US took it as a threat, moving the war into space. They thought the Soviet Union could deliever a nuclear bomb to the US air space. Later, the US made a satellite for space.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was against the North and South Vietnam like the Korean War. The US helped out South Vietnam. This war was significant to the Cold War because it was intense with the Soviet Union and the US fighting. It was a deadly war between the Soviet Union and US in the Cold War.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs was against the Cubans and the US. The US wanted to overthrow Castro and Cuba tried to invade the Bay of Pigs but the US won and got Cuba to surrender. This war is significant to the Cold War because the Cubans were not happy with the US.
  • The Berlin Wall Goes Up

    The Berlin Wall Goes Up
    The Berlin Wall surrounded West Berlin and seperated West and East Berlin. This wall was suppose to keep out westerns from East Germany. This is significant to the Cold War because people started to break the wall and the wall was really powerful during the Cold War.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was when the Soviet Union was building a missile in Cuba. When the US found out, they wanted the missile removed. The US finally got the missile removed after fighting with the Soviet Union. This crisis was significant to the Cold War because it got the anger with the US and Soviet Union worst.
  • The Six Day War

    The Six Day War
    The Six Day War was between Isreal and Jordan. Isreal was lanching attacks against Egypt and Syria. Isreal won land. This is significant to the Cold War because pushed anger in the Eastern front.
  • US Sends a Man to Moon

    US Sends a Man to Moon
    US sends a man to moon which would be Neil Armstrong. The US lanched Apollo 11 to learn more about the moon and space. This is significant to the Cold War because the US will know more about space and the moon than the Soviet Union will.
  • Nixon Visits China

    Nixon Visits China
    Nixon visits China which surpised people because China was a communist country. Nixon was trying to gain a relation with China. This is significant to the Cold War because the Soviet Union won't have China on their side if China is on the US's side.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    The Fall of the Berlin Wall happened because the East needed to changed their relation with West Berlin. Later, people had a party next to the wall. This is significant to the Cold War because the Cold War is starting to end with the peace.
  • Collapse of Soviet Union

    Collapse of Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union collapse because nations started to go non-communist, leaving Soviet Union's influences behind. This is significant to the Cold War because it ends the Cold War.