Bleeding kansas cartoon

Events leding to civil war

  • wilmot proviso

    trying to stop slaves in new york.
  • fugitive slave act 1850

    helped slave holder recapture runaway slaves. if slave runaway to north had to reurn it back.
  • uncle toms cabin

    by;harriet beecher stowe a story calling for an end to slavery made people understand what slaves went thruogh.
  • kansas nebraska act

    people declared wether to be a slave state . people started miving to kansas and nebraska.
  • Bleeding Kanssas

    Bleeding Kanssas
    A bunch of people were fighting a small civil war ended
  • Dred Scott 1857

    Was a slave that sued for freedom. He fought for freedom.
  • harpers ferry 1859

    john brown seized the federal arsenal. plan strirupa slave revolt in virginia and end slavery.