Events Leading Up to The Civil War

  • The American Colonization Sociaty forms

    The American Colonization Sociaty forms
    Support the return of free African American. It helped found a colony in Libra in 1821-1822
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Between pro-slavery and ant-slavery factions in the U.S congress involving primarily the re regulation of slavery in the Western Territories. The bill enable the people of the missouri territory to draft a consitution and form a government preliminary to admission into the union came before the house of representive in commites as a whole in Febuary 13, 1819
  • The American Antislavery Sociaty forms

    The American Antislavery Sociaty forms
    Founded by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappin. Fredrick Douglass was the key leader of the sociaty and often spoke in meetings.
  • The Liberty Party forms

    The Liberty Party forms
    Was a minor political party, The party was an early avocate of the aboititionist cause. It broke away from the American Anti-slavery sociaty to avocate the view that the constittion was an anti-slavery document
  • The Mexican-American War starts

    The Mexican-American War starts
    The U.S annexation of Texas, which Mexico consider part its territory despite the 1836 Texas revolution. And we had just gotten independence from Spain and Mexico wa on a verge of civil war. Mexico did theaten to war if the U.S annexed Texas
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    A rider on a 2,000,000 appropriation bill intended for the final negotation to resolve the Mexican-American war, 3 months into the 2 year war. It passed the house but failed in the senate, where the south had greater representation. It was reintroduced in Febuary 1847 and again passed in the house but failed in the senate
  • The Free Soil Party forms

    The Free Soil Party forms
    A short-lived political party.It was the third party and single-issue party that largely appealed to and drew its greatest stength from the New York State. The party leadership consisted of former anti-slavbery members of the whig party and the democradic party
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Hill in Coloma, California. The gold seekers were called "forty niner", they faced hardships on the trip
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Package of 5 bills that was passed in September 1850. Defused a 4 year confrontation between the slave states of the south and the free states of the north regarding the statue of teritories
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
    It was an antislavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. The book was about a long suffering slave around whoms stories of other characters resolve. It was the best selling book in the 19th centery and second best selling book of that centery following the bibe.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Created territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement and it had an effect on repealing the missouri compromise of 1820 by allowing settler in those territories to determine through popular sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within each territory. The act was designed by Senator Stephen A.Douglass, I was wopen up many new farms and make feasible a mid-western transcontinental railroad
  • The Sumner-Brooks Affair

    The Sumner-Brooks Affair
    Senator Charles Sumners of Mass. delived a 2 day speech entittled The Crime Against Kansas. Several days later Congressman Preston Brooks attacked Sumner with a cane while seated at his desk in the Senator Chambers, untill he was unconcious, making it so he was icapible to resume his duties for more than three years."Bully" Brooks became an instant hero of the south and Sumner was praised for endures great sufffering on the behaif of the north
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scott Decision
    The case was based on the fact that Dred Scott and his wife were slaves, lived with his master Dr. John Emerson in states and territories were slavery was illegal according to both state laws. The surpreme court was 7-2 against Dred Scott, that no person that has African antresty can claim citizenship in the U.S and bring a suit to a fedral court under diversity of citizenships rules.
  • The Lincoln-Douglass Debates

    The Lincoln-Douglass Debates
    A series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln, a republican and the senator Stephen Douglass. At the time U.S Senators were elected by state legeslators, they were both trying to win control of the illinois leislature. The debates provieded issues that lincoln would face the aftermath of his vicotry inthe 1860 presidential elections
  • The Election of 1860

    The Election of 1860
    For the office of President of the Untied States, and the imediate outbreak of the American CIvil War. 2 of the nomonies was Abraham Lincoln, a republican; V.S John C. Breakinridge, a deomcradic