events leading to the civil war

  • wilmont proviso

    wilmont proviso
    congress tried to stop the spread of slavery
    it failed but south is concerned
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott decision
    he was a slave who sued for freedom
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    managed to keep both sides satisfied and prevent a permanent split before the war
  • uncle toms cabin

    uncle toms cabin
    the book wanted slavery to end
  • kansas nebraska act

    kansas nebraska act
    the states were over populated because people could decide for themselves
  • bleeding kansas

    bleeding kansas
    small scale civil war in kansas it also became the rally cry for the anti slavery
  • lincoln douglass debates

    lincoln douglass debates
    debates abobut slavery between lincoln and douglass
  • harpers ferry

    harpers ferry
    siezed federal arsenal
  • election of 1860

    election of 1860
    lincoln won and the south seceded
  • fort sumter

    fort sumter
    lincoln sent supplies to the fort the south attacked and the union surrendered which started the war