Events Leading to The Civil War!!

  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Made it a federal crime to assist runaway slave.
  • Republican Party

    the rally Leaders called for a new partyto be formed.
  • Free Soil Party

    People of all party who opposed slavery.
  • Brooks / Summner senate caning

    On may 22, 1856 the worlds greatest deliberative body became a combat zone.
  • Pottawatomie Massacre (Bleeding Kanas)

    Brown Sought bloody revenge May 24 1856 and him and a small group of followers dragged of 5 pro slavery out of there cabins along the pottawatomie creek and killed them.
  • Election of 1856

    controversy over kansas dominated the presidental election of 1856
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Stripped the party of the main issue, significance helped the republican party.
  • Freeport doctrine.

    The second debate, a crowd of 15,000 peole gatherd to hear.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates.

    The debates took place from late august to mid oct. 1858 7 debates were held in all in town across the state of illniois
    Signidicance: is illistrated the sharp difference in slavery between them.
  • South Carolina Secssiojn

    U.s Began breaking apart on Nov. 13 1860
  • Formation of the confederate States of amaerica

    south carolina wast the first to secede then others joined by 1861 6 other stated followed to form a new union.
  • fort sumter

    Confederate guns fired on fort sumter in the harbor of charlston. south carolina and cilvil war.
  • Sack of Lawrence

    When 800 men rode into town to arrest free soil leaders.
  • Know Nothing Party.

  • Missouri Compromise of 1820

    In september the senate passed five laws based on clays revolution. But together there known as compromise of 1820.
  • Tariff of Abominations!

    In 1828 the U.S congress passed the first import tarriff a protective tax the tariff increased tax on importated goods.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Provided that as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the republican of mexico by the united states by virtue of any treaty which may be negotaited.
  • Differing economies north south (1850)

    south had no factories to prouduce guns or ammunition
    And north on the other hand had enough food and factories
  • Compromise of 1850

    In sept. the sente passed five laws based on clays resolutions. But together there known as compromise of 1850.
  • Know Nothing Party.

  • Uncles Tom's Cabin.

    Harnet Beecher Stowe a magazine writer in mine. She heard the tales of Slavery's curelty and horror in 1851 she wrote short stories.
    The significance is: is raised she rasied tensions over slavery.
  • Kansas and Nebraska Act.

    The act repealed the missouri compromise of 1820.
    Significant: allowing popular Sovereiggnty and thus the possibility of slavery.
  • The election of 1860

    Stephen douglas had his eyes on the presidentcy at the time and lincoln did to each faced a hard battle.