Events leading to the civil war .

By Perla!
  • Wilto Proviso

    Wilto Proviso
    It was a proposed ban to abolish slavery in the land acquired from mexico .
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act .

    Kansas - Nebraska Act .
    Was a law that tried to solve the problem of slavery in the western territories .
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    It was the compromise that the north and south could agree on ; califronia entered as a free state and territories could vote on slavery.
  • Uncle tom's cabin.

    Uncle tom's cabin.
    It was a book ; written by Harriet Beecher that wanted to show how horrible slavery was and was hoping to get everyone to realize it and hoping it would soon get abolished .
  • Bledding kansas .

    Bledding kansas .
    It was a serious violent confrentation in anti-slavery and pro-slavery .
  • Dred Scott Desicion

    Dred Scott Desicion
    He was a former slave who was trying to sue for his freedom .
  • Lincon-Douglass Debates

    Lincon-Douglass Debates
    It was two men running for senator of illionois , they both made promises , lincon about saying slavery was bad but illegal ; he lost and douglass won but lincon became nationaly famous .
  • Harpers Ferry's

    Harpers Ferry's
    John brown and followers decided to seize the federal arsenal to stir up a slave revolt .
  • Election Of 1860

    Election Of 1860
    Voters decided to vote by region to elect who they thought would be better for their part ; lincon promised to keep slavery out and protect tarrifs .
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    It was a battle between the union and the confederacy that actually sparked the civil war to begin .