Events leading to the American revolutionary war

  • Period: to

    French & Indian war

    A. Cause of war: English ran out of land. The French & English both claim the ohio river valley. NA and the French were upset because english moved onto their land.
    B. Short Explanation of the war: a broader European power struggle involving Great Britain, France, Austria, and Prussia in fighting that spanned much of the globe.
    C. Who Won and effect: The British won, because of this the French was expelled from the new world and the England got almost all of the land including most of Canada.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    A. Explanation: The Proclamation was an attempt to establish a western border of the 13 colonies in America.
    B. Effect on the colonies: The Proclamation made it illegal for colonists to settle west of the Appalachians, illegal to move into Ohio or Tennessee or Florida.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    a. Parliament passed the sugar act.
    b. The sugar act taxed sugar and molasses.
    c. A significance of the sugar act was that they sent smugglers to a British court not a colonial court.
    d.The colonies response was that several assemblies protest taxation for revenue.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The colonists were required to supply the british troops with housing, food, rum, and other items needed to live.
  • Period: to

    stamp act congress

    a. There was 27 representatives from the colonies.
    b. They met in New York city.
    c.The purpose of them meeting was because they were angry about the stamp act and wanted a change.
    d. As a result they wrote the declaration of independance.
  • Decloratory Act

    Decloratory Act
    The declaratory act repealed the stamp act and England declared it had rights to rule and tax the colonies.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    a. The British parliament was responsible for the stamp act.
    b.The stamp act required a stamp on all printed documents.
    c. The sons of liberty harassed the stamp at agents, Stamp act congress was created and discussed the stamp act, and they spoke against the house of Burgesses.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    a.The townshend acts were passed by the british.
    b.The townshend acts taxed lead, paper,glass, and tea and created the writs of assistance. Customs officers could search any house for smuggled goods.
    c. The tax money would pay for the salary of the colonial governors.
    d. In response to this, the colonists boycotted against british luxury items.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A riot in boston arose from the resentment of boston
    British shot into the crowd of protesters
    five colonists died
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    a. Samuel adams was the leader of the Boston tea party.
    b.It happened because the colonists were mad about the tax on tea.
    The colonists dressed as natives
    They dumped 92000 pounds of tea into the boston harbor
    d.Thi caused england the pas the Intolerable acts and close the harbor
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    a. The acts affected the colonists.
    b.The laws closed the port of boston, restricted town meetings, troops were quartered in boston, and officials accused of crimes were sent to a england or canada court.
    c. In response to this there was a boycott of british goods.
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington & Concord
    a. The British were after their weapons.
    b.The men who fought were untrained and angry militiamen.
    c.Colonists: 49 killed, 39 wounded, & 5 were missing
    British: 73 killed, 174 wounded, and 29 were missing
    d. The significance is that it was the first battle in the revolutionary war.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    a.It was passed by british parliament to institute a permanent government and grant religious freedom.
    b. The colonies were angry because it stopped westward expansions and allowed French roman catholics in Quebec.
  • Period: to

    Second continental congress

    a. Massachusetts, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and even Georgia were all involved, some of the delegates were Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock,Ben Franklin, and James Wilson.
    b They met in pennsylvania.
    c. They met to present grievances of the colonies.
    d. As a result the declaration of Independence was written and adopted, and the olive branch petition was written also.
  • Period: to

    First continental congress

    a.All of the colonies sent delegates except georgia, there was 56 of them there. Four of them were Patrick Henry, George Washington,John Adams, and Samuel Adams.
    b.They met in carpenter's hall in Philidelphia.
    c. They met because they wanted to organize resistance to the coercive acts.
    d. The result of this was a boycott of British goods.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    a. The battled occurred in Charlestown, Boston ma.
    b. The colonists went up the hill three times but were forced to retreat.
    c. The British won the Battle.
    d. In response the colonists had confidence that they could win a battle
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    a. Thomas Paine wrote it.
    b. He argues about why the colonies need separation from england.
    c.It was the first pamphlet to advocate American Independence.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    a. Thomas Jefferson wrote it.
    b.It was signed July 2, 1776.
    c. It gave the 13 colonies freedom from England laws.
    d. Some main ideas include the rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
    e. In response 1/3 of the colonies approved, 1/3 wanted things to stay the same, and the other third were against it.