Slavery timeline

  • Period: to

    Debate over slavery

  • Missouri Compromise

    Federal staue in the United States that regulated slavery in the western area except Missouri. Prohibited slavery in former Louisiana.
  • Formation of Free Soil Party

    Former United States political party oppising slavery. Aposed the conflict between pro/con slavery
  • Comprimise of 1850

    Series of resolutions to stop crises between North and South. Fugitive slave act amemded slave trade stopped.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Book of Anti-slavery. Illistrated slaverys affect on families.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    opening new lands for settlement. Repealing Missouri Comprimise
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Border War involving anti/pro slavery. Series of violent political confontation.
  • Formation of republican party

    Anti-slavery Whigs. Oppose spread of slavery.
  • Dried-Scott Case

    Crontroversial ruling by the supreme court. Tension of slavery in the U.S.
  • John Brpwn's Raid

    Small army rebellion. Instagate major slave rebelling.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of president. Split in democratic perty.