
Eureka Stockade

  • 1 pound monthly liceince

    1 pound monthly liceince
    to meany people where comming and gold was being found so decide to make a monthly licence
  • gold was starting to be found in victora

    gold was starting to be found in victora
  • Gold rush in Victoria started in nere Ballarat.

    in victoria
  • Govner Hothan arrived in Victoria

  • James Scobie was killed

    James Scobie was killed
    James Benty the ower of the bentley hotel bashed james scoby to death
  • Eureka Hotel Burned down

    Eureka Hotel Burned down
  • 10 hunded digger met on bakery hill

  • Ballarat Reform League

  • eureka flag flown for the first time

    eureka flag flown for the first time
  • tension about lienses

  • 10,000 miners met on Backery Hill again

    10,000 miners met on Backery Hill again
  • licences were geting burt

    licences were geting burt
    Miners burt there licences because there were to much money and they didn't want to pay
  • Miners meet Peter Lalor elected as leader

    Miners meet Peter Lalor elected as leader
  • stockade built