establishment of my government

By melis99
  • outsiders invade native lands

    Europeans invade the native Caribbean islands for resources
  • settlers discover land

    200 Caribbean islanders leave home because it is under siege and discover an island south of theirs
  • settlers adapt to new environment

    Islanders cope with harsher heat and try adapting to a different environment.
  • new colonists arrive to the island

  • colonists begin to develop authority

    old colonists already developed a sort of system to handling things, and after new colonists arrive, they become a little hostile but still accept them
  • Colonist meeting pt 1

    any colonists that arrived to the new island with any past authoritative experience have a meeting to develop a system of government
  • colonists riot

    after hearing plans about the meeting, other colonists are upset that they're not a part of it, so they riot about the low amount of representation
  • Colonist meeting pt 2

    After the riot, the colonists decide to create a government that would include representation for the citizens.
  • Constitutional Convention

    After the meeting, the colonists call for a convention where they establish a Constitution and Representative Democracy.
  • Majority Vote

    After the convention, the council introduces the ideas to the rest of the colonists, and then they have a majority vote on the two proposed ideas
  • results from majority vote

    majority ruled in favor for both ideas