Establishing English Colonies in America

  • First English Expedition to Roanoke

    John White traveled to Roanoke, an island off of North Carolina. Later, he bacame governor of Roanoke and brought more settlers.
  • "Starving Time"

    Because of rising tension between the Indians and colonists, the Indians stopped giving the colonists food and started to attack them. They attacked them because they realized that the colonists were trying to take their land.The colonists had to feed off of rice, rats, and snakes, many of them died before two ships came and saved the town once again. People who survived went back to England.
  • The defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Colonies were established after the defeat; the English defeated the Spanish Armada. The Spanish Armada also sailed from spain in July 1588. The Spanish Armada's task was to overthrow protestant England lead by Queen Elizabeth I because during Elizabeth's reign, the English had been helping the Dutch Protestants in Holland. This greatly angered the king of Spain - Philip II - who wanted to stop this.
  • The establishment of Jamestown

    Virginia Company sailed up James River until they found a spot to settle. The settlement was named Jamestown, named after King James. The three ships they used were the Susan Constant (sometimes known as the Sarah Constant), the Godspeed, and the Discovery.
  • Control of Jamestown

    John Smith took control of Jamestown. He made sure colonist worked by making them gather as much food as he did or they would be banished, and if they didnt work like he wanted them to they wouldnt get no food. He bargained and traded with the Indians for food and he also ordered a wall to be extended around Jamestown.
  • Growth of tabacco

    John Rolfe developed a high-grade tobacco that the colonist learned to grow. The success of tobacco changed Jamestown because of the gain of wealth which made tobacco a cash crop.
  • Pocahontas

    In an effort to improve relations between the English and the Powhatan, John Rolfe married Chief Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas in 1614.
  • House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses became the first representative assembly in the American colony.The House was established by the Virginia Company, who created the body as part of an effort to encourage English craftsmen to settle in North America.
  • Powhatan

    Since the English were taking land from the Powhatan tribes the Powhatan decided to fight back. They killed hundreds of Jamestown residents in response to land grabs by the colonists.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon and a group of landless frontier settlers opposed Governor William Berkeley. They complained about high taxes and Governor Berkeley’s favoritism toward large plantation owners. Bacon demanded that Berkeley approve a war against the Native Americans to seize their land for tobacco plantations. Governor Berkely's refusal of Nathanial Bacon's demand sparked Bacon's Rebellion.