Establishing English Colonies in America

  • First english expedition to Roanoke

    First english expedition to Roanoke
    John White traveled to Roanoke, an island off of North Carolina. Later, he became governoor of Roanoke and brought more settlers.
  • Roanoke colonist go missing

    Roanoke colonist go missing
    John white tried to convince Raleigh to restablish the roanoke colony because of the disastrous result the last colonist went threw.
  • English defeate the spanish armada

    English defeate the spanish armada
    Once the english armada defeated the the Spanish armada the english was inspired to colonizein america. They belived they would be powerful doing so.
  • Virgiana company established Jamestown

    Virgiana company established Jamestown
    The virgiana company set out an expedition in the Cheasepeake bay to find land to colonize. They went down the James river and founded and named Jamestown after their King James.
  • John Smith saved Jamestown

    John Smith saved Jamestown
    John Smith was a soldier from england and he saved jamestown from starvation and disease. He saved them from starvation and disease by pursadeing the powhaten people to trade corn with the colonist and telling the colonest if they don't work they don't eat, he said this because the jamestown people did not grow or produse crops or made shelters for them seleves. They did not do this because the were trying to find gold to get rich quickly.
  • John Smith is injured and 800 more settlers came

    John Smith is injured and 800 more settlers came
    John Smith was injured because of a gun powder expolision and had to go back to England. After he left 800 more settlers came to Jamestown because is was surviving. Shortly after the 800 arrived tension between colonist and the powhaten people grew and the powhatn cut of the coloisnt corn trade. Then the colonist started starving because of the shortatege of food. After most of the food was eaten the colonist started eating each other.
  • 60 colonist survied because of Lord de la warr

    60 colonist survied because of Lord de la warr
    60 colonist surved because of lord de la warr because he set a new dicipline in james town the let them get a portion a portion of food for the colony.
  • John Rolfe brought tobacco to Jamestown.

    John Rolfe brought tobacco to Jamestown.
    John rolfe was from England and he brought tobacco to Jamestown because the didnt have any product to ttrade for money. So once Jamestown got tabocco they started getting money and earning a profit from tradeing tobacco.
  • First african americans came to Jamestown

    First african americans came to Jamestown
    In 1619 Jamestown started getting african americans. they needed african americans to work the tabacco fields. After getting the african american slaves Jamestown population went up from 600 people to 2000 people.
  • Bacon burend Jamestown to the ground

    Bacon burend Jamestown to the ground
    Bacon a settler in jamestown did not like the govoner of jamestown and the way it was runed. So baconed started a reblelion and he marched to the goveners house and burned ot and jamestown to the ground.