Establishing English Colonies in America

By Andre'
  • First English Expedition to Roanoke

    First English Expedition to Roanoke
    John White traveled to Roanoke,an island off North Carolina.Later,he became govenor of Roanoke and brought more settlers.
  • The first settlers

    The first settlers
    In 1586 John White borudht with hi 100 settlers to establish colonie in America.
  • The food shortage

    The food shortage
    The Native Americans stopped trading food with the English colonie s the resorted to canablism.
  • The deserted colonie

    The deserted colonie
    When John White came back from england the verginia colonie was empty with out a trace.
  • Exploration funding

    Exploration funding
    In 1607 the Verginia Compeny financed an expadition to Chesapeake Bay.
  • The last servivers

    The last servivers
    By 1608 only 38 coloniests remained.
  • The replenish of settlers

    The replenish of settlers
    In 1608,800 settlers came to Jamestown after John Smiths return to england.
  • The new color

    The new color
    The first Africans arrived in jamestown in 1619.
  • The Natives killing

    The Natives killing
    In response to land grabs by coloniests the powhatan killed thousends of james town residents.
  • Bacons rebelion

    Bacons rebelion
    After Govener Bearkely refusal for Bacons tobacco crops;Bacon started a rebelion and took over the House of Burgesses.