Escalationg Violence

By mca791
  • First Saturday Surprise

    In the First Saturday Surprise, Hitler broke the Treay of Versailles. He announced that he would rebuild the German air force, reinstate the draft, and rearm the nation. Hitler said he was doing this in defense actions. Knowbody tried to stop him because people thought that his actions, and what he wanted to do to people, would lead to a war
  • Second Saturday Surprise

    In the Second Saturday Surprise German soldiers marched into the Rhineland as German fighter planes roared overhead. The treat of Versailles set aside the Rhineland. Hitler simply ignored the agreement and tried to occupy more land for Germany.
  • Taking Austria

    In this event Hitler summoned Austrian Prime Minister Kurt Von Schuschnigg to a secret meeting that consisted of eleven hours of insults and threats. Hitler wanted Austria to become a part of Greater Germany. When the Leader declined Hitler gave him three days to change his mind or there would be consequences.
  • Appeasing Hitler

    This is not the exact date but all throughout 1938 most of the Germana wanted a return to the Reich. Hitler wanted this and he Czech turned to their allies for help. France and Russia were among the nations that promised to help the country but they decided to let Hitler do what he wanted to not get in war.
  • Death Threats and Broken Promises

    During this time Hitler told the Rechstag that other nations were hypocritical in their complaints that Germany was mistreating Jews. Germany was trying to show to counties that it was not as bad as they think it was. Hitler was a good lier.
  • targeting Poland

    In this time the Nazi's took a group of prisoners from a concentration camp to Gleiwitz, a town on the Polish border. The prisoners were killed and later on the SS marched into Poland claimed to be attacking Gleiwitz. Hitler wanted to declare war on Poland.
  • Conquest in the East

    In this event, Heinrich Himmler plotted the future for Polish children. he wanted to reduce school abilities for non-German population in the East by making it that you cannot proceed past fourth grade. Hitler wanted to make it unfair for polish people.
  • Conquest in the West

    In the spring of 1940 the Nazi's focused more on the west. The conquered Denmark and Norway. They also overran Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxenberg. By June 22 France had fallen.
  • The Invasion of Russia

    In this time Hitler ordered the invasion of Russia to destroy the Jewish-Bolshevik menace. The SS followed close behind the German army in the attack so you know Germany meant business.
  • The United States Enters the War

    During this time the United States declared war on Japan. The day before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Japan and Germany were allies. IT ended up The United States, Britian, and the Soviet Union beoming allies.