Erikson Timeline

  • Daisy Begins Sports: Industry versus Inferiority

    Daisy (age 9) has begun to play and really develop a skill for soccer. She loves that her friends play too because they get to works towards something together. Teamwork has really helped Daisy grow.
    In Eriksons fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, is when children begin to accomplish tasks on their own and form a better sense of independence.
  • Daisy Finds Love: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Daisy (age 26) met her fiance in college at a recreational soccer tournament and quickly hit it off from their love of soccer. They immediately bonded and are planned to be married in the next month.
    In this stage, intimacy versus isolation, Daisy has found someone that pairs well with her personality and who she is as a person. It is important for a person to find love and intimacy or they will be come isolated and risk being lonely.
  • Daisy Retires: Generativity versus Stagnation

    Daisy has retired from her job as a physical education teacher and enjoys watching her grandchildren during the day while her daughter works.
    In this stage, Generativity versus Stagnation, is when the person begins to give back to the younger generation about what they have learned through out life. The goal of this stage is to care for those of the next generation.