Era 2: Revolutionary Era

  • Period: to

    French & Indian War

    War for American land between French and English Occupation.
    Although navtives are on both sides, most are with french (French & Indian are the opponents) -Called the Seven years war in England
    -End Result is Proclamation of 1763
  • Period: to

    Pontiacs War/Rebellion

    -pontiac=cheif of Ottowa tribe in OH
    -Angry that the colonists settled over appalachian (disobeyed pro. of 1763)
    -Gets 14 tribes involved to fight Britian for their land
    -Natives lose, continue to fight individual settlers in coming years
  • Proclamation of 1763

    -Result of French/Indian War
    -American colonists can't settle beyond the Appalachian trial
    -Designed to end Native American Conflict but actually leads to pontiac's rebellion/war.
    -Angers colonists who only fought in french/indian war for access to this land (Ohio, Kentucky, Tenesee, etc.)
    -Many Settle this land anyway
  • Sugar Act

    -UK wants to get back all the money it lost in the French/Indian War
    -First tax passes to the colonies
    -Taxes imported sugar (All sugar would have been imported)
    -Angers colonists, bitter protesting begins
    -Taxes are substantially lowered after many protests
  • Stamp Act

    -all paper bought must be stamped to proove payment (because i guess paper stealing was a real isssue?)
    -About 50 types of documents require stamps (e.g. marriage licenses, newspapers, pamphlets, Diplomas & Playing cards)
    -Colonies get really angry, create nonimportation agreement & stamp Act congress
    -repealed in 1766
  • Quartering Act

    -requires you to house & feed british soldiers that need a place to stay
    -Fueled colonial anger
  • Stamp Act Congress

    -Met in New York--27 delegates, 9 colonies
    -wrote document explaining their rights & issues (greivances) had with Stamp act. Ask Parliament to repeal it
    -Parliament ignores them, has very little effect of uniting in colonies
  • Declaratory Act

    -"Bounds the colonies to parliament in all cases whatsoever"
    -Gives parliament complete control over colonies
    -colonists want some self government, are no longer allowed any angered by this
  • Townshend Act

    tax on tea, white lead, paint, glass, and paper
    passed by charles townshend
    Tax pays for salaries of governors
    People began smuggling tea for cheaper
  • English troops occupy Boston

    -England is fearing colonial rebellion, sends in troops
    -these troops suck, steal colonial jobs, are often drunk
    -colonists hate them
  • Townshend Acts repealed

    Nonimportation agreement led to these taxes making hardly money
  • Boston Massacre

    -60 colonists taunt 10 brits, throw snowballs with rocks brits have open fire
    -5 people killed (AMSCO says 5, textbook says 11?)
    -used in propaganda, innocent colonists killed. Further fuels colonist anger
  • Boston Tea Party

    colonists dress as indians, pour 342 chests of tea in sea because of opposition of tea act
  • Intolerable Acts

    -British punishment for boston tea party--consists of 3 parts
    -Boston Port Act: Closed Boston harbor to trade until damages paid, order assured
    -Administration of Justice Act: British officials who committed misdemeanors tried in England
    -Massachusetts Government Act: many charter rights revoked, restritions on town meetings
    "The last straw for colonists"
  • 1st Continental Congress

    Convention held in Philadelphia to discuss colonial grievances, what to do about them. 12 colonies were represented by 55 delegates. (No Georgia)
    -Drew up Declaration of Rights, wrote appeals to other British American colonies, King George III and the people of Britain.
    -Petitions rejected. Also established The Association, banning all trade with Britain- import and export. Did not yet want independence.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

    The war for independence.
    Versus the British
    The french help us later
  • Patrick Henry makes famous speech

    "Give me liberty or give me death!"
    Kind of irrelevant but I feel like adding it.
    Speech given at Virginia Convention preaching actual representation in parliament.
  • Paul Revere's midnight ride

    Warning colonists that the british are coming, runs around charleston Virginia
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    -britian is trying to seize colonial gunpowder
    -Sam Adams & John Hancock (Leaders) are captured
    -England wants to take over MA but colonial troops pushes them back to Boston, 300 brits killed, 8 colonists killed
    Lexington came before concord
  • Olive Branch Petition (2nd Continental Congress)

    -Last effort to remain british
    -sent plea of actual representation to king (George 3rd??)
    -King ignores them, ready to revolution.
    -John hancock is leader of this. (President of 2nd Continental Congress if you want to be technical)
  • Thomas Paine's Coomon sense pamphlet is published

    -Propoganda, swayed many to be pro independence
    -sold 120,000 copies
    -Questioned logic of a small island controlling a much larger continent -Called for independence and the formation of a republic (a government with authority derived from the people.)
  • Declaration of Independence

    -13 colonies become independant of Great Britian
    Cool but probably irrelevenat fact-> Ebridge Gerry wouldn't sign the Declaration of independece because it didn't have a bill of rights,, Way later on his name inspires the phrase "Gerrymandering" or the changing of boundaries to guarantee the results of an election (Civil rights phrase btws. Okay)
  • Battle of saratoga

    first great American victory of the war and is widely believed to have been the turning point that led America to triumph over Britain.
    Made France join our side, Helped us win
    But obviously we'd win WE'RE AMURICA. dear god I'm so annoying
  • Period: to

    Articles of Confederation

    -agreement between the 13 states that established the United States as soverign states and served as its first consitution.
    -The Articles created a weak central government because they did not want one state to gain too much power. (feared return monarchy)
    -To keep up with a growing government the Articles was far too weak to maintain a countries needs so it was later replaced by the Constitution of the United States.
    -affected history because it gave the first structural government
  • Battle of Yorktown

    -Last major battle
    -In yorktown (duh)
    -led by George washington
    -The british surrender at end of it
  • Treaty of Paris

    US is own territory, N boarder = Canada, which is still British, W boarder (I am spelling that right? border?) at Mississippi River, which is french (UNTIL WE GET SWEET WITH THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE IN 1803)
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    The purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785 was to raise money through the sale of land west of the original states. Congress at the time did not have the power to raise revenue by direct taxation of the people living in the United States. This affected history because it let people know that they can't be taxed then but later on they will be.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    3 factors of why Shays Rebellion started: Economic depression, aggressive tax and debt collection, and state fiscal policy, People protested because they wanted to reform the state government. This ended up with 4 people killed and 20 wounded.
    Shows weakness of Country under Art. of confed. If group of 30 soldiers can reep havok on your country, you country sucks--go to bed articles of confederation. (compare to bacon & whiskey rebellion)
  • Period: to

    George Washington Presidency

    General in Revolution
    Believed in lack of parties & Neutrality (WE FAILED HIM ON BOTH)
    could you imagine him like rolling in his grave "YOU HAD 2 JOBS GODDAMMIT" -Refused 3rd term, Set Presidential precident (until FDR)
  • Bill of rights

    first ten ammendments of constitution, thanks James Madison for suggesting it
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Veteran Soldiers want more money
    George washington sends hella troops to them, shuts them up.
    Shows power of constitution
  • XYZ Affair

    -political and diplomatic episode in 1797 and 1798
    -John Adams, involving the United States and Republican France.
    -Its name derives from the substitution of the letters X, Y and Z for the names of French diplomats in documents released by the Adams administration.
    -An American diplomatic commission was sent to France in July 1797 to negotiate issues that were threatening to break out into war. In order to negotiate, france wanted a bribe or loan.
  • Period: to

    John Adams

    XYZ Affair, Alien & Sedition Acts, Federalist Party, Lame President.
  • Revolution of 1800

    Adams (federalist) is done being president, Thomas Jefferson