
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices

    Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices
    Al-Jazari wrote the Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices.
  • First Steam Engine

    First Steam Engine
    Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont patented the first steam engine.
  • Automated Loom

    Automated Loom
    Joseph Jacquard built an automated loom that was controlled with punched cards.
  • Relationship Between the Electric Current and Potential Difference in a conductor

    Relationship Between the Electric Current and Potential Difference in a conductor
    Georg Ohm quantified the relationship between the electric current and potential difference in a conductor.
  • Electromagnetic Induction

    Electromagnetic Induction
    Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.
  • Institution of Mechanical Engineers

    Institution of Mechanical Engineers
    Institution of Mechanical Engineers formed in Britain.
  • Mount Washington Cog Railway

    Mount Washington Cog Railway
    World's first cog railway.
  • Unified Theory of Electricity and Magnetism

    Unified Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
    James Clerk Maxwell published a unified theory of electricity and magnetism in a book called Electricity and Magnetism.
  • First Remote Controlled Vehicle

    First Remote Controlled Vehicle
    Nikolai Tesla created the first remote-controlled vehicle.
  • Modern Assembly Line

    Modern Assembly Line
    Ransom Olds, patented the modern assembly line and used it in the Olds Motor Vehicle Company factory.
  • Transistor Invented

    Transistor Invented
    William B. Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain invented the transistor.
  • First Numerically Controlled Machine

    First Numerically Controlled Machine
    John T. Parsons built the first Numerically Controlled (NC) machine
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit.
  • First Industrial Robot

    First Industrial Robot
    The first industrial robot, called UNIMATE, was installed in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey.
  • Microprocessor

    Ted Hoff and a team at the Intel Corporation invented the first commercial microprocessor
  • First Recombinant DNA Molecules

    First Recombinant DNA Molecules
    Paul Berg created the first recombinant DNA molecules.
  • First Transgenic Animal

    First Transgenic Animal
    Rudolf Jaenisch created the first transgenic animal, a mouse.
  • Atomic Layer Deposition

    Atomic Layer Deposition
    Tuomo Suntola patented the process of atomic layer deposition for depositing uniform thin films one atomic layer at a time.
  • Nanotechnology Coined

    Nanotechnology Coined
    The term nanotechnology was first used by Japanese scientist Norio Taniguchi.
  • Genentech

    The first genetic engineering company, Genentech, was created by Herbert Boger and Robert Swanson.
  • Direct Drive Arm

    Direct Drive Arm
    Takeo Kanade built the direct drive arm with motors installed directly into the joints of the arm.
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscope

    Scanning Tunneling Microscope
    The scanning tunneling microscope was invented.
  • Synthetic Insulin

    Synthetic Insulin
    The FDA approved synthetic insulin for sale.
  • Fullerenes

    Fullerenes were discovered.