Standing Rock's History: Who and What Shaped the Current Fight

  • 1 BCE


    "These stories are yours and are your responsibility"
    Origins Video- Elder Duane Hollow Horn Bear
  • 1 BCE

    Origins- Judeo Christian

    Origins- Judeo Christian
  • The Great Plains and Native Nations

    Before the displacement on Native peoples, the map below shows what Nations have a stake in the DAPL in comparison to the path that the pipeline takes (See The Development of the Dakota Access Pipeline)
    1820s Native Nations Map
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851)

    Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851)
    The first Treaty of Fort Laramie was signed by the Cheyenne, Sioux, Arapaho, Crow, Assiniboine, Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara nations and the US to ensure peace between Nations and safe passage for settlers along the Oregon trail. The US did not make any claims of land, instead agreeing to pay for the development of roads.
    The Treaty
    1851 Boundaries
  • Red Cloud's War

    Red Cloud's War
    An armed conflict between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho and the United States in Wyoming and Montana. The war lasted from 1866 to 1868. It was fought for control of the western Powder River Country, which was traditionally Crow land, but was taken by the Lakota Nation.
    1851 treaty resonates in DAPL discussion
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868)

    Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868)
    This treaty was an agreement between the United States and the Oglala, Miniconjou, and Brulé bands of Lakota people, Yanktonai Dakota and Arapaho Nation for the purpose of ending Red Clouds War.
    It ensured ownership of the Black Hills to the Lakota Nation while giving the US the right to "westernize/civilize" the Lakota people and place non-native individuals in the territory to educate and enforce Western ideals.
    The Treaty
  • Gold is Discovered in the Black Hills

    Gold is Discovered in the Black Hills
    This marks the breaking of the Treaty of Fort Laramie 1868. By 1875, 1,200 miners were found on Sioux Territory. This event leads up to the Great Sioux Wars of 1876.
    The Theft of the Black Hills
  • Battle at Greasy Grass/Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle at Greasy Grass/Battle of Little Big Horn
  • Ex parte Crow Dog

    Ex parte Crow Dog
    Kȟaŋǧí Šúŋka or Crow Dog shot and killed Chief Siŋté Glešká or Spotted Tail and was tried in tribal court and held accountable for his actions. Crow Dog was then arrested and tried by the US court system, found guilty, but then released for the US lacked jurisdiction in the case. This sets the scene for the Major Crimes Act, giving the US the jurisdiction that it lacked in this case. Supreme Court Summary
  • Major Crimes Act

    After the Ex parte Crow Dog, the US passed an Act that gave federal jurisdiction for violent crimes that occurred on Native Reservations.
    The Act
  • Dawes Act- General Allotment

    Dawes Act- General Allotment
    The Dawes Act ended the communal holding of land, selling Native land to Native Americans who would gain citizenship in return.
    Indian Land Tenure Foundation
    Oceti Sakowin Oyate Territory and Treaty Boundaries 1851-present
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    The mass murder of the Lakota people near Čhaŋkpé Ópi Wakpála (Wounded Knee Creek)
    Online Museum
    Lakota Accounts
  • The Creation of Mt. Rushmore

    The Creation of Mt. Rushmore
    Colossal sculptures were carved into the side of The Six Grandfathers, forever projecting US leaders on a spiritual and cultural site. Native American Protest 1970
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    Indian Reorganization Act
    Ends the Dawes Act of 1887
    Transcription of the Act
  • Crazy Horse Memorial

    Crazy Horse Memorial
    Korczak Ziolkowski was recruited by Henry Standing Bear, Chief of the Oglala Lakota Nation, in 1931 to construct a memorial in honor of the war leader Crazy Horse. The project continues today, and is funded solely through private funds.
    "My fellow chiefs and I would like the white man to know that the red man has great heroes, too." -Henry Standing Bear
    Live Stream
    The Crazy Horse Memorial Project Video
  • Oahe Dam is Completed

    Oahe Dam is Completed
    The creation of the Oahe Dam caused the loss of over 55,000 acres and irreplaceable spiritual and cultural land for the Stand Rock Reservation. The Losses- Under Environmental Summary
    Uphill Against Water: The Great Dakota Water War
  • United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians

    United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians
    The US awarded $1.3 Billion for the loss of the Black Hills. The issue now being, can you pay for the loss of land?
    Native Perspective and Commentary
    For Great Sioux Nation, Black Hills Can’t Be Bought for $1.3 Billion- Video
    Court Summary
  • Three Affiliated Tribes and Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Equitable Compensation Act

    The US granted financial compensation for the Three Affiliated Tribes and the Standing Rock Sioux tribes for the taking of reservation lands for the site of the Garrison Dam and Reservoir and the Oahe Dam and Reservoir, both a consequence of the Flood Prevention Act.
    The Act
  • Water Problems on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation Hearing

    Water quality and the right to water is not a new fight for the Standing Rock Tribe. The fight extends back to the formation of the Oahe Dam, with accessibility entering the political realm in 2004.
    The Hearing
    Foreshadowing of Water Conflict-2009
  • The Development of the Dakota Access Pipeline

    The Development of the Dakota Access Pipeline
    On this day, the DAPL project was announced to the public by Energy Transfer Partners.
    Route Permit Application
    DAPL Route
  • Oil-drilling Byproducts Leak on Fort Berthold Reservation

    Oil-drilling Byproducts Leak on Fort Berthold Reservation
    Over 1 million gallons of oil drilling byproduct, consisting mostly of extremely salty water, leaked into the water supply of the Fort Berthold Reservation. This reservation is only 200 miles North of Standing Rock, and both rely on the Missouri river

    News documentation
    Indian Country News Media
  • Rezpect Our Water Youth run from North Dakota to the White House

    Rezpect Our Water Youth run from North Dakota to the White House
  • Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe VS. Army Corps of Engineers and Dakota Access LLC

    The fight for Clean Water and Rezpect continues in the courts as the Standing Rock Sioux and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribes sue the Army Corps of Engineers and the Dakota Access Pipeline.
    Case Documentation
  • Standing Rock Eviction

    Standing Rock Eviction
    While the camp is empty, the fight isn't over. The spirit of the movement and the fight for clean water continues in a legal space
    Eviction Order and the Eviction