Emily's 5 Year Timeline

  • Started Teaching Ballet

    Started Teaching Ballet
    In 2013 I started teaching ballet at the dance studio I grew up dancing at. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and dance was a huge part of my life since I was three years old so I was super excited when I got to teach my own classes. I continued to teach dance classes until I graduated high school.
  • NC- Voter ID Law Signed

    NC- Voter ID Law Signed
    In August of 2013 Gov. Pat McCory signed a voter ID law. Democrats had been fighting against the law stating that it will suppress votes.
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  • US- Boston Marathon Bombing

    US- Boston Marathon Bombing
    On April 15th, 2013 two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. This terrorist attack killed three and injured more than 100 people.
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  • Elected as Future Teacher's of America President

    Elected as Future Teacher's of America President
    In 2014 I was elected as president of the Future Teachers of America Club at my high school. With this club I was able to start an after school tutoring program with the Boys and Girls Club of Coastal Carolina. I tutored kids with learning disabilities and fell in love with working with kids labelled 'at-risk'.
  • NC- Same-Sex Marriage is Legalized

    NC- Same-Sex Marriage is Legalized
    On October 10th, 2014 same-sex marriage was legalized in North Carolina.
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  • US- Ebola Outbreak Reaches the US

    US- Ebola Outbreak Reaches the US
    Nina Pham, a nurse in Dallas was the first person to contract Ebola in the US after the global outbreak earlier in 2014. She contracted the disease on October 12th and was release from the hospital on the 24th.
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  • First College Acceptance Letter

    First College Acceptance Letter
    In 2015 I started applying to colleges and got my first acceptance letter, which was from UNC Charlotte.
  • NC- Three UNC Students Shot

    NC- Three UNC Students Shot
    On February 11th, 2015 three UNC Chapel Hill students were shot outside their home. The shooting was believed to be a hate crime.
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  • US- Charleston Church Shooting

    US- Charleston Church Shooting
    On June 17th, 2015 Dylann Roof opened fire during a prayer meeting at a Charleston, SC, church and killed nine people.
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  • Performed In My Last Dance Recital

    Performed In My Last Dance Recital
    In 2016 I performed in my final dance recital. Dance was extremely important to me and was pretty much my whole life growing up so my senior recital was very special.
  • NC- State of Emergency Declared Due to Riots in Charlotte

    NC- State of Emergency Declared Due to Riots in Charlotte
    In September of 2016 riots in Charlotte, NC, broke out in response to Keith Lamont Scott being shot and killed by police officers. The riots became violent and a State of Emergency was declared by Gov. Pat McCory.
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  • US- Pulse Nightclub Shooting

    US- Pulse Nightclub Shooting
    On June 12, 2016 a gunman opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL. 49 people were killed and 53 were injured. It was the deadliest mass shooting to date at the time.
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  • Started Working for the Autism Society of North Carolina

    Started Working for the Autism Society of North Carolina
    In 2017 I first got hired with the Autism Society of North Carolina. Working for this agency has truly been life changing and really solidified my career goals of being a Special Education teacher. Since being hired I have been able to work at both Camp Awesome in my hometown and Camp Royall in Pittsboro, NC.
  • NC- HB2 is Repealled

    NC- HB2 is Repealled
    In March of 2017 Gov. Roy Cooper advocated for and signed a bill that repealed House Bill 2.
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  • US- Residents of Flint launch a $722M Class-Action Suit Against the EPA

    US- Residents of Flint launch a $722M Class-Action Suit Against the EPA
    On January 30, 2017 more than 1,700 residents of Flint, Michigan, launch a class-action suit against the EPA. The residents of Flint were not being given access to clean water and nothing was being done to assist them.
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