Ella Minnow Pea

  • letter Z falls

    Letter Z falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary.
  • letter Q falls

    Letter Q falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary.
  • letter J falls

    Letter J falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary.
  • letter D falls

    Letter D falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary.
  • letter F falls

    Letter F falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary.
  • letter K falls

    Letter K falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary. One of the O's falls too.
  • letter B falls

    Letter B falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary. One of the E's fall too.
  • letter C falls

    Letter C falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary. One of the U's fall too.
  • letter V falls

    Letter V falls and is no longer in the island of Nollop's vocabulary.
  • letters T, R, H, and O fall

    Letters T,R, H, and O fall, but there is another letter for each still remaining.