Eliezer Wiesel, Vladek Spiegelman, and World War 2 important dates

  • Japan invades Manchuria (WW2)

    Japan invades Manchuria, beginning hostilities in the Far East.
  • Dachua established (WW2)

    Dachua established (WW2)
    The first permanent concentration camp, Dachau, is established.
  • Hitler appionted (WW2)

    Hitler appionted (WW2)
    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany and the Nazi party takes control of Germany's government.
  • Law against Jews. (WW2, EW, VS)

    Law against Jews. (WW2, EW, VS)
    Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews are decreed, depriving Jews of German citizenship.
  • Marraige (VS)

    Marraige (VS)
    By 1936, Vladek and Anja are engaged, and they marry on February 14, 1937.
  • Japan invades China (WW2)

    Japan invades China proper, initiating the Pacific War that would become a part of World War II.
  • Richieu (VS)

    Richieu (VS)
    October 1937, Vladek’s textile factory is up and running, and Richieu is born.
  • Anja's troubles (VS)

    Anja's troubles (VS)
    Anja has a case of severe postpartum depression.
  • Kristallnacht and pogroms (WW2, EW, VS)

    Kristallnacht and pogroms (WW2, EW, VS)
    Kristallnacht (night of crystal, also known as the night of broken glass): a government-organized pogrom against Jews in Germany, Austria, and the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia results in widespread destruction of synagogues, businesses, and homes and the loss of at least 91 lives in November.
  • Poland's borders gaurenteed (WW2)

    Poland's borders gaurenteed (WW2)
    In April, Britain and France guarantee the integrity of Poland's borders after Hitler violates Munich Agreement of 1938 by invading and dismembering Czechoslovakia
  • To the Army (VS)

    To the Army (VS)
    In August, 1939, Vladek is called into active duty in the Polish army.
  • Poland invaded (WW2)

    Poland invaded (WW2)
    In September, Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe. In response, Great Britain, France, and the British Dominions declare war on Germany.
  • A Prisoner of War (VS)

    A Prisoner of War (VS)
    He is first taken to a POW camp, then to a labor camp. Finally, several months later, he is released.
  • First ghetto (WW2, EW, VS)

    First ghetto (WW2, EW, VS)
    In November, the first ghetto is established in Piotrków, Poland. Jews in parts of occupied Poland are forced to wear armbands bearing the Star of David for identification.
  • German expantion (WW2, EW, VS)

    German expantion (WW2, EW, VS)
    In spring, Germans conquer Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands; Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister
  • Auschwitz (WW2, EW, VS)

    Auschwitz (WW2, EW, VS)
    In May, Auschwitz concentration camp is established near the Polish city Oswiecim.
  • Italian War (WW2)

    Italian War (WW2)
    Italy declares war on Britain and France in June.
  • To Auchwitz (EW)

    To Auchwitz (EW)
    Elie Wiesel goes to Auchwitz.
  • Father's Death

    Father's Death
    Elie's father dies after Achwitz was evacuated.

    Elie was liberated from the camps.
  • Nobel Peace Prize (EW)

    Nobel Peace Prize (EW)
    Elie Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.