Elie wiesel

  • Jewish persecution

    Jewish persecution
    Jewish upeople arent allowed to have health insurance
  • Nuremburg law

    The Nuremburg law states
    Jews cant have sexual intercorse
    Jews cant be german citezens
    Jews cant marry nonjews
  • World event

    germany occupies hungary
  • Period: to

    world events

  • Germans penetrate hangarian border

    German troops come in with the goverments approval and into the town of elie wiesel
  • taken rights

    taken rights
    At first the jews weren't allowed to leave their house for 3 days, then they could'nt own any gold, every jew must wear a gold star.
  • the ghettos

    the ghettos
    Two ghettos were created in sighet the jews were forced to move into them
  • Period: to

    elie wiesel's life

  • deportation

    natzis begin deporting hungarian jews to Aushwitz to the crematory
  • cattle cars

    Elie and his family got into cattle cars and drove for a 3 day journey with approximately 80 people on board in a very minimum space
  • Aushwitz

    They wereput into two llines women on one side men on the other this was the last time Elie saw his mother and sister Tzipora
  • normandy

    An allied invasion of Normandy
  • A-7713

    elie got a tattoe that read A-7713 from at that point on was his name
  • Attempt of murder

    Attempt of murder
    a group of german soliders attempt to assinate Hitler
  • Madanjek

    Russians liberate madnjek killing center
  • Buna

    they were transported to Buna
  • electrical Kapo

    Elie and his dad were assigned the orchestra kapo in which they hafd to count and assort liitle machanical pieces
  • revolt

    one crematoriam waas blown up
  • Death march :world

    The death march begins with 40,000 jews from Budapest to Austria.
  • Foot infection

    Elie found out that he had a foot infection so he had to stay at the doctor for about 2 weeks
  • Evacuation

    The germans evacuated all jews from Aushwitz
  • death march

    Elie and his father begin the death march from Aushwitz to Bushenwald
  • abandoned village

    after running at full speed for about 11 hours they finally stop at an abandoned village
  • Gliewitz

    they had run an entire day until they're final destination Gliewitz
  • Bushenwald

    From Gliewitz they were transported to Bushewald and they had to take the corpses of the dead and dump them out of the cattle cars.
  • R.I.P

    Elie's dad passed away this day
  • Mauthausen.

    Liberation of Mauthausen.
  • FREE

    Elie was finally liberated
  • a corpse in a mirror

    Elie looked at himself in the mirror for the first time since th ghetto, he described that he looke like a beaten down corpse
  • Bergen Belsen

    Bergen Belsen
    Liberation of Bergen-Belsen.
  • Sachsenhausen

    liberation of Sachsenhausen
  • Flossenburg

    Liberation of Flossenburg
  • Dachau.

    Liberation of Dachau.
  • suiscide

    Hitler commited suicide
  • surrender

    Germany surrendrs
  • end of world war 2

    end of world war 2
    Japan surrenders end of world war 2