EDIT6100 IT timeline

  • Nikola Tesla's radio

    Nikola Tesla's radio
    Nikola Tesla introduced the radio to the world. This invention was the first step in being able to deliver information remotely in real time. This was truly the first method of delivering information in a non face-to-face format in real time.
  • Sidney Pressey's teaching machine

    Sidney Pressey's teaching machine
    The first LMS was developed in 1924 when Sidney Pressey invented the first ‘teaching machine’. This resembled a typewriter with a window that could administer questions. One window was used to show the question and the other one to fill in the answer.
  • Philo T. Farnsworth's television

    Philo T. Farnsworth's television
    The television was invented around this time, and it played a huge role in educational instruction. The main impact of the television in education came around the 1950s. It offered a method of instruction that had never been seen before.
  • Robert Gagne's instruction methods

    Robert Gagne's instruction methods
    In the 1940s- 1950s, Robert Gagne was very active. He was an American psychologist focusing on education. He was a co developer of Instructional Systems Design. He also addresses the role of instructional design in learning.
  • Farnsworth's Television introduced to educational field

    Farnsworth's Television introduced to educational field
    This is really the beginning of the major impact that Farnsworth's television had in education. Students could now learn in an instructional format that did not require face-to-face lecture, ushering in a new era of education.
  • B.F. Skinner's teaching machines

    B.F. Skinner's teaching machines
    Skinner's machines allowed for students to learn at their own pace. As we see today, online courses allow students to learn at their own pace in most circumstances, and this concept really started with the teaching machine.
  • Roger Appeldorn's overhead projector

    Roger Appeldorn's overhead projector
    While the overhead projector was initially used for military training, its value in instruction was evident and it began to be heavily used in the classroom shortly after. This allowed teachers to create lessons far ahead of time and simply display the lesson on the board for the students to learn.
  • Eugene McDermott's Texas Instrument's calculator

    Eugene McDermott's Texas Instrument's calculator
    Texas Instruments invents the first handheld calculator. This invention changes the way calculations were done, as a more portable device was created to ease the way we do math.
  • Ted Hoff's microprocessor

    Ted Hoff's microprocessor
    The first microprocessor is developed at Intel by Hoff. This invention laid the foundation for being able to work anywhere and at anytime by using our phones, tablets and even laptops.
  • Michael Sokolski's Scantron sheets

    Michael Sokolski's Scantron sheets
    This is the beginning of the Scantron sheets, which allowed a machine to automatically grade multiple choice tests. Tests would be far more efficient from here on out, and the grading process would be improved.
  • Steve Jobs's computer

    Steve Jobs's computer
    Steve Jobs of Apple releases the first mass produced personal computer, completely changing the field of technology. People could now own these personal computers in their homes.
  • Tim Werner's HTML

    Tim Werner's HTML
    HTML is developed and it is really the beginning phase of the internet. With this invention, the full potential of the computer will be realized.
  • David Martin's SMART Board

    David Martin's SMART Board
    The first interactive white board is introduced into the educational field, and it really changes the method of instruction from the old chalkboard method. Teachers and students had innovative method of interaction through this device.
  • Jeff Bezos' Amazon

    Jeff Bezos' Amazon
    He founded Amazon in his garage in 1994, which begun as an online bookstore. Bezos always thought the internet would outpace book retailers, something people never thought possible, but today, Amazon is driving book retailers out of business. Amazon has changed the way we access knowledge from books and many other content through their ordering and delivering system, but also with innovation such as their Kindle e-books or audiobooks.
  • Jeff Hawkin's Palm Pilot

    Jeff Hawkin's Palm Pilot
    The Palm Pilot's introduction really introduced the world to handheld electronics that are capable of work tasks. This device allowed people to work anywhere, and I think it jump started the world as we see it today with regards to smart phones.
  • Page and Brin's Google

    Page and Brin's Google
    Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google and changed the way the internet was used by everyone. Google became the go to resource for everything, form simply searched to complex research. The innovations to society ever since the creation have been remarkable, from Google Earth to Gmail. These innovations have been used in education and can be applied in a variety of ways to help the learning process. Google really is one of the biggest influencers on the internet and in education.
  • Angela Maier's Choose 2 Matter and Genius Hour

    Angela Maier's Choose 2 Matter and Genius Hour
    Leader. Visionary. Entrepreneur. Disruptor. Change Maker. Angela embodies each of these descriptors with passion, commitment and fierce determination. She has been creating and leading change in education and enterprise for 31 years, while teaching at every level of schooling.
    Choose2Matter is a powerful call to action that invites people to make mattering a way of life.
    Genius Hour is 1+ periods per week where students work on passion projects.
  • Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook

    Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook
    The introduction of Facebook really changed the social media world. While it may seem like social media is used for personal connections, there is a growing trend in utilizing social media for education. This invention provided a new method of instruction that nobody would have thought of before.
  • Salman Khan's Khan Academy

    Salman Khan's Khan Academy
    In 2005, Mr. Khan created Khan Academy, a nonprofit organization that offers lessons on a variety of subject matters online. His lessons are completely free, and it has grown from a rather small organization to a huge resource that is used daily by students all over the world.
  • Jack Dorsey's Twitter

    Jack Dorsey's Twitter
    Along with Facebook, and perhaps even more-so. Twitter offered a form of education that was possibly unseen during its creation. Even in classes today, Twitter is used for educational purposes, such as reading current events or innovative ideas. I have used twitter as a requirement for class, and the learning process is strengthened through the accessibility of this platform.
  • "America's Educator": Ron Clark

    "America's Educator": Ron Clark
    In 2000, he was named Disney's American Teacher of the Year. He is a New York Times bestselling author whose book, The Essential 55, has sold over 1 million copies. He has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and Oprah. Ms. Winfrey even named him as her first "Phenomenal Man." His classes have been honored at the White House. Ron's teaching experiences in New York City are the subject of the uplifting film, The Ron Clark Story, starring Matthew Perry, better known as Chandler from Friends.
  • Jose Ferreira's Knewton

    Jose Ferreira's Knewton
    Certainly, one of the most transformative technologies in eLearning is adaptive learning. Adaptive learning is software systems that are able to pick up on the strengths and weaknesses of individual learners and customize their learning experience in a way that benefits them most. This technology is in it’s infancy, but once it matures and becomes widespread, adaptive learning systems with be able to offer students a richer, more personalized education that a single teacher is able to do now.
  • Hassabis' DeepMind

    Hassabis' DeepMind
    DeepMind, acquired by Google in 2014, is an artificial intelligence research organization focused on using technology for the betterment of the world in a variety of field, including medicine, climate change, etc. The goal is to solve the issues in a more efficient manner. This tech is full of potential, and using AI to solve issues can be easily transferrable to issues in education, such as accessibility.
  • David Wiley and Kim Thanos Lumen Learning

    David Wiley and Kim Thanos Lumen Learning
    Wiley and Thanos founded Lumen Learning together, an open educational resource for all. The goal of lumen learning is to provide cost effective and accessible education to people around the world. Along with this, they want to take the need away from textbooks, as providing education online is much easier than distributing textbooks to all students.
  • Whelan's immersive VR

    Whelan's immersive VR
    Immersive VR changes the way education is brought to the student through the use of virtual reality. The ability to offer instruction in a virtual format in real time is a truly unique experience, and honestly, this is most likely the next big thing in education. Just as online education has become a big trend, VR education will be the future in the field.