ECE Timeline History

  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther 1483-1546

    Martin Luther 1483-1546
    Martin Luther was a German Monk, he born on November 10, 1483 and passed on February 18, 1546. one of Luther's greatest accomplishments was translating the Bible from Greek Latin to German and published it in the 1530's. Luther's theory challenged the authority and office of the Pope by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinity revealed knowledge from God . Luther also devoted his life to teaching children how to read and also literature.
  • Johann Pestalozzi 1746-1827

    Johann Pestalozzi  1746-1827
    Pestalozzi was known for his research of education and his method called the 'Pestalozzi Method'. This method supported the idea that instead of dealing with words, children should learn through activity and through things. This method is still being used in educational settings today by encouraging children to educated themselves through play, and learning and figuring things out on their own instead of being given "ready-made" answers. he looked to balance hands, hearts and head.
  • Friedrich Froebel 1782-1852

    Friedrich Froebel 1782-1852
    Froebel was known as the German educationalist who laid the foundations for modern education system and believed that children have unique needs and capabilities. Froebel's philosophy was based on 4 principals: free self expression, creativity, social participation and motor expression. Educators today look back at his methods and still apply them in the class room, cultivating each child toward his or her maximum potential through the educational process. This was "the birth of kindergarten".
  • Jean Piaget 1896-1907

    Jean Piaget 1896-1907
    Piaget ( in my opinion) had one of the greatest I pacts on ECE due to his discoveries of the Cognitive Development in the classroom. Piaget's theory had 4 major approaches to his theory which were, education in environment, curriculum, material, and instructions that are suitable for students. His theory is still being applied today by using concrete props and visual aids, using actions as well as words, being sensitive to children's translation, practice providing a foundation for learning.
  • Erik Erikson 1902-1994

    Erik Erikson 1902-1994
    Erikson was known for his "psychosocial development theory" Erikson's theory is still being taught in the class room today some ways in the Preschool level are, Find out what students are interested In and create projects around that. Let the children be in charge in learning processes during classroom projects. make sure to recognize and praise children for good choices. offer feedback on work that has been completed and lastly, do not ridicule or criticize students openly. Be private with them
  • Abraham Maslow 1908-1970

    Abraham Maslow 1908-1970
    Abraham Maslow was know for him "Human Motivation" theory. He believed that every human being had several layers of needs. This theory is being implemented in the classroom today because he among all other teachers believe that students must be top priority so that they will have the capability of reaching their highest levels of potential. This means giving the children everything they need in order to succeed, such as eating breakfast. if not fed they could be preoccupied by food all day.
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner 1917-2005

    Urie Bronfenbrenner 1917-2005
    Urie Bronfenbrenner, was known as" the man who changed how we see human development ". He is also know for his other success such as being a monumental part and co-finder of creating head start and his ecological systems theory. Bronfenbrenner's contribution to education still stands true today in ways that he was majorly involved in creating the head start program and increased our knowledge of human development. Uries ecological approach to early development is greatly appreciated in education
  • Howard Garnder 1943- Today

    Howard Garnder 1943- Today
    Howard Gardner was known for his Theory of Multiple Intelligence and identified at least seven intelligence such as, Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Musical , Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal Intelligence and Interpersonal Intelligence. in Gardeners view these were ways of knowing the world. His work is being implemented in education today by expressing that children should be exposed to the broadest possible range of positive experience and encouraged to learn in all ways.